Thursday, January 27, 2005

No Fear

I had to write a poem for one of my elementary education methods, it got me thinking about how I would describe myself, what I feel, what I am a lover of, and what I fear….(my poem is cheesy, but served its purpose in class and followed the questions asked)
Who is Patient, Loving, Quiet, and often times Content
Who is a Lover of God, Friends, and Family
Who Feels Happiness, Anger, and Stress
Who Fears life alone, failure, and spiders crawling on me
Who would Love to see a Grandfather that has passed, old friends, and the locations around the world
Anyways, it took me along time to figure out what a list of three things were that I feared. I try not to think about them, put them in the back of my mind. Fear makes me think of myself as a child again…when I would have to turn off the lights at night to go to bed while a thunderstorm is roaring out my window and lighting up the sky. I was scared of things as simple as a small shadow that would appear and disappear in the flashes. Fear makes me feel incomplete, makes me think that I’m not in control. I know that fear is like worry, like the luggage I carry around with me from place to place. Have you ever taken a second to think about what you truly fear and why? I know my number one fear is going through life alone (meaning I’m 22 and still single/or thinking that I might go through life without children of my very own)…not having that one person to love completely is a scary thought for me. I also have this fear of failing…not meeting standards of those around me, myself, and those of my education. I know that the Lord is there for us and answers us when we call on Him for a little chat other wise known as prayer…He not only takes on our grief, pain, and so many other burdens, but he takes our fears and makes them disappear in their own little way. “I sought the LORD, and He answered; he delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4 I think about what fears I have and how insignificant they are….do you ever let the fears get the best of you, override your life? I don’t normally but I know that someday that might happen and all I can do is pray about it. Prayer, what a wonderful way of communication that can be done everywhere.
Fear Not,

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