Thursday, July 27, 2006

All Move and nothing to Do

Well here I am….sitting in my house way down in southern Missouri. I went to set up part of my classroom. It is huge…as far as classrooms are concerned. I’m excited to start school and get on with the whole new step in my life.
The move down here didn’t start of so smoothly. Friday it was raining in Iowa all morning and in fear of getting my favorite couch really wet we didn’t get on the road until like 9am 3 hours later than planned. Then the lights kept going out on the trailer (which was packed full….I know I have a lot of stuff) We got to my new house that I am renting for now. Got everything unpacked even though it smelled like know one had let air in the house for years. (nice and musky)Not too mention really BUGGY. The pink bathroom is ok, meaning I’m getting use to it. I planted some greenery outside in front to make it more homey for me, but I’m not sure they are going to live cause the soil down here is hard and there is little rain right now. I went to the lake tubing on Sunday, managed to get a good upper body work out and feel the burn as well as the burn on my body…nice and red. Oh did I mention that I’m feeling alone down here and a little different. I know Keith is helping a lot, but I miss my family and friends back home. I can’t even go for a walk around here without the strange looks and honking. People are a little scary. At least my neighbors are really nice. There is this older couple that lives across the path from me that seem great. The people at my school are nice, a little scatted right now but nice. I hope everyone keeps in touch and knows how much I miss them.
God Bless your day~Love Kris

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Moving Day

I successfully passed my Spanish classes with flying colors if I do say so myself. Taking two years worth of Spanish in 35 days isn’t bad….don’t think I would ever do it again. I feel like I haven’t accomplished anything this summer because I was in class everyday for two months. I haven’t been working any where or at least not enough to do any good financially. I have spent the last week in my home town or at my parents’ house I should say. I got to watch my nephew all week (which is more tiring than one may think) He is almost 9 months…but is very intelligent has is close to standing on his own. He has a wonderful recognition of everything and responds well to things. Fine motor…great…throwing ability is massive. Give the boy a beach ball and a bos and he is set for the day. I came home yesterday with a bunch of stuff to pack….my sister was nice enough to help me and it was still late when we went to bed. (not past midnight)…but I was up at 4:30am with her son so I was “hitting a wall” it is starting to sink in that I may not see a bunch of people ever again…and how drastically my life is about to turn. My dad came up and we loaded all of my stuff up filling a whole trailer nice and tight in just under an hour. Now it is cleaning time. I’m going to spend my week visiting people and saying some good byes and see ya laters. I want to make a memory page for a scrapbook from some of my favorite places in Ames so I will do that some time this week if anyone is up for a walk give me a shout out. Don’t let this 100degree weather get ya down! Well I’m off to nap and then get cleaning. Hope all is well in the world…I’m moving ONE week from today…….where does the time go. Missouri can’t be that bad can it. I was given a lot of advice…I’m not sure I want to follow example: knock out a few teeth…get some flannel…forget a few letters here and there when I talk, grow a mullet….find a cousin that I know and date him instead of my boyfriend…..I could go on with other helpful advice but I don’t think I’m going to take any of it because it all scares me.

PS Side Note:if you have moved and I don’t have you new address please send me a little postcard so I can write it down or just message me via email.