Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Talk about the Weather

“Try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value.” ~Albert Einstein

Last night I went through a box to find my old poms. If you didn’t know I am coaching cheerleading (again J ). I found a quote in a box along with many fine memories of high school; it is amazing how times seemed not so good then, always stressed and all that jazz….now I look back and wish some days I could have it just that easy.

School is almost to a break, which is great. Thanksgiving break, a great time to go back home and spend time with my family and a girly get together. Oh and a break so I’m not so grumpy with my students would be great!

I know my students are trying or attempting to try to listen and behave, but I haven’t really been feeling well since last week. Friday I lost my voice and it isn’t fully back yet. I have bronchial infection of some sort. We had a carnival on Friday too, talk about stress level at an all time high. My classroom was awesome. Pitch black with student traipsing around scaring people, livers, worms, and bloody eyeballs, cob webs everywhere.

So back to my quote above….why did I type it? Well today in a meeting we talked about Ruby Pyane and her books written on poverty. Talking about rules that we have in middle class, upper class, and in lower class. I thought about what class level I fall in. I thought about the things that are important to me…and what are important in other class levels. To me success is important, not just success today…but in the future as well. Sometimes working towards that success is blinding and I feel like that takes away from my value as a person cause I don’t always focus on the goals in front of me and making the full connection with people around me. As much as I want to be successful in my life I want to be excepted in many different lights as a hard working person with good values. What are your values...that may define values in the class that you place yourself in society?

Sorry for the ramble…it was either this or the rainbow I saw on my way to school this morning even though there was no rain. ….or I could talk about how it is suppose to be 80 tomorrow…it is fall…80 degrees blows my mind!