Sunday, November 13, 2005


Well today was an unbelievably long day and it really isn’t even done cause I have some unit plans to do and much more::::deep thought of really how much I have to do::::::. I went to Sunday School taught a dozen first graders, greeted, sat by my ex (cause he asked???) left church….went to Lago (procrastination of a project!!) then went to the church where I decided it was way to windy to play ultimate Frisbee…so instead set up for dinner….folding 74 napkins isn’t really any fun! Dinner was sooo good Mmmmm Thanksgiving is great…a great way to gain weight…I had dinner today I have one on Friday one on Sunday and another one on Thursday…..that is a lot of really big meals my tummy isn’t use to eating.
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Mine is Thanksgiving, why you may ask…I like the traditions…I like getting together having the same food, seeing my family….celebrating my birthday and all of my cousin’s birthdays! It is a great time because you can really focus on giving thanks and not…oooo Christmas and all the presents. :::which I will tell you I made out my wish list to my mom…one item was on it….I asked my mom for food…gift cards to Hy-Vee are great..come a month from now I will be unemployed and paying to teach…isn’t life funny that way:::: Thanksgiving is a great time to lay around after eating a bunch of turkey to think about the people in your life and how important they really are to you! Thanksgiving is about giving thanks to all of those who have stepped in and out of our lives for a reason…who have left those footprints on our hearts.
What is your favorite food at Thanksgiving?
Mine use to be my grandmother’s homemade noodles….they were the greatest…I could just have that on my plate with a dill pickle and be set as a child. I use to help her days before the dinner make, roll, cut, and mix all the noodles. Now I don’t get them anymore, but it use to be something you would have to wait until Christmas or Thanksgiving or Easter to have….they were the best…some day I will make them for my kids. I use her pie recipe…well the crust recipe when I make pies….and they must be
half way ok…cause my fruit pies were all gone after dinner tonight. 4 days of class until Thanksgiving Break…another reason to like thanksgiving…oh and I have always gone to the district youth gathering in DesMoines…since I was a weee little freshman in high school. The last three years I have been a Chaperon with a parent. This year it will be me and AT. Should be a good time! Oh and for those of you who haven’t heard the national one will not be in New Orleans…it will be in Florida again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well until I didn't get the day off of work one of my favorite holidays is Veterans Day, not because I'm a veteran but because it is my grandma's birthday...she's 87 years old and if you just did the math in your head that means she was born on the day of the Armistice that ended World War I, hence Marie Victoria Lawler, Johnson later. I seemed to remember always having the day off of school. Am I wrong?