Thursday, November 03, 2005


Last night at devotion we talked about how we see God.
Can you describe God like a police officer or Santa Clause…..there were two more, but I can’t remember….we talked about a physical form that was similar to how we see God…like a teacher, mother, doctor. Can you think of characteristics that you look for in a person that are Christ like….a teacher…a healer….a comforter…a sculptor. When we were all sitting there songs kept popping into my head things like “What if God where one of us….” We talked about all of the characteristic that we give to God that are human…knowing that he is God and we can’t even begin to describe God except that he is all powerful, all knowing…and on and on….he is God. We put God in a box and label it for sale…We need to take God out of this image of man and understand we can’t even begin to fathom what God is.
The next question asked what would you say to God if you were face to face with him. And another song appeared in my head…( I like to go through life with music if you haven’t figured it out yet) “surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel, will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still, will stand in your glory or to my knees will I fall, will I sing alleluia will I be able to speak at all….I can only imagine.”
I don’t know what I would do if I came face to face with God in that type of image…cause God is with us daily so any questions I have would probably pass my mind.
Have you ever thought about these things?

Appreciation of the day: The temperature is so nice, little breeze….the ultimate fall day, I hope that you enjoyed it.
I sat down in the office today with a child who was getting angry at really small things….i don’t allow those things in my classroom, but I like children to be honest with me…so I listen to what they have to say…everything that this child had to say was way negative…he couldn’t find anything that was positive to make him smile….i shared with him:::: thought provoking…wait for it::::: look for something as small as a drop of a pin to help brighten your day, if you always look toward the negative side of things you are always going to be sad. Just the other day the Nintendo song made me smile…and the next day my aid mark had done everything on my list for the week…even cleaned the windows of all the Halloween paintings. It was such a small positive…but it really made my day…it even deserved a call on the cell to say thanks. Do you look for the negative all the time, most of the time, some of the time, hardly ever, or never….? As teachers we are told to look for the positives in a child’s behavior and help reinforce that behavior…in order to do that I think we need to serve one another with our smiles and positive words. That is my blah speech for the day…thanks for reading…lol not so insightful…but it is something to post.

Quote of the day: I had one from Ann…but for some odd reason I don’t remember what it is…..something from reading class this morning…had to be funny…but what was it….grrrrr oh well it will come to me at like 3 in the morning…that is the time I tend to wake up to my neighbors letting of pop bottle rockets and a whole lot of fireworks.

May God Bless your wonderful fall day,


Sorry for the typos…please forgive

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mercy Me -- I Can Only Imagine

--Really good song, thanks for reminding me I need to download when I'm rich and can afford an ipod...wait, I'm a teacher, so that will be-um-never.