Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Boxers or Briefs

You know I'm a little odd when I'm not embarrassed to talk about what you are wearing underneath your clothes. ha ha

So sometimes I think really random thoughts throughout the day and I just thought I would share my randomness for the day….I told Jimmy I was posting this so I hope you are reading it….lol

So why do people have a preference over what kind of underwear they wear or not wear in some cases. What makes a guy choose boxers over whity tighties? Or silk over cotton? Why do girls wear thongs and you don’t hear of many guys wearing them? Do you go for comfort, style, feel, or fashion? Hmmmm how is this for randomness?

Personally wearing them is important to me, I would feel a little odd going without….thongs…not comfortable but I will admit to owning them. Boxers not my things however I do like women’s briefs….Other than that I'm not telling you what kind I wear....I already gave you To Much Info huh…please feel free to share your thoughts

I told you I was random…and I’m trying to relieve some stress by thinking of nothingness…cause working out at the rec and long walks aren’t cutting out all my thoughts at my sadden state of mind.

Hope all of you are having a great day, I’m off to worship God and sing some great songs. 9:15 if anyone is interested at Memorial!

Quote of Day:
“I like middle schoolers, but the second they hit 9th grade they should all be put in a closet.” ~Social Studies Methods….Dr. F. lol kind of one of those you had to hear from her mouth…but still funny.

God Bless


Anonymous said...

Boxer Briefs myself...mostly this kind:

We all know what kind you really have Kristy, the coveted Grannie Panties:

Kris said...

Granny Panties....I'm not really into that....tho I would choose those over wearing a thong all To be honest I wear low ride bikini cut briefs, not as if you needed to know... you are a married j/k i had to defend myself from the granny panties.