Friday, November 04, 2005


Today was such a better day as tired as I am, I left work feeling loved. My kids left happy and I left with hugs and “Good bye Kristy” For good behavior I put up a chart in my room that they fill a while back the a.m. group got to throw pudding pies at me and today they got a giant bubble. I had doubt that I could pull it off…but I did and when I get home I will try to add some pictures to this so you can see. It is a big black bubble that took up our carpet area that they could put glow-in-the-dark stars and lay around on pillows in. They really liked it, which I’m glad cause I wasn’t sure it was something they would enjoy. I got lots of complements from parents which really helped with my day cause I get a little tired come mid-afternoon. I was awake at like 4am for some odd reason and couldn’t go back to sleep…..went to work at 6:30 got my kids on the bus and then was left with the couple that didn’t have school…I kept them occupied until like 3:30 when all the kids come back 5:15 rolls around….I finally get to leave work early to pick up a child from a different center so I can baby-sit until mid-night or so!!! My day isn’t that bad…my meds are kicking in and not making me sicker than I am….and I got a lot of hugs from my kids today! I was talking to a teacher who’s last day was today……she didn’t seem too upset, she could just walk out of the door. I already fear that day when I have to leave all the children at the center and leave the kids in my room. I spend some times 8 hours a day with these kids…some I spend 24-7 with for weeks on end. I love my kids and have a lot of respect for them and I realize it is going to be so hard leaving work towards the end of December so that I can head off an start a new chapter in my life.
I’m looking forward to tomorrow. I’m heading to Cheddar’s in DesMoines….I use to go there all the time when I worked on base at Camp Dodge. Great restaurant! All of my high school girl friends are getting together for one last hurrah before Regina moves out of state. It is so weird to think that we have been out of school for 5 years now and all six of us are still close. A dozen of us and 2 kids should in tale for a good time had by all. We are all going to hang out at the restaurant for a few hours min. lol we always do even if it is something as simple as pizza or cheese bread with white sauce at Breadueax back in our hometown. We are going to get in some great photographs while we are still young too.
The rest of my weekend involves babysitting and church…ultimate Frisbee and a good Lutheran potluck! In between all of that some curriculum units must get done.
I heard today there is only like 50days until Christmas. Don’t get me wrong…I think we should think about the Christmas season all year long because of the birth of Jesus….but that isn’t what they are counting down to…more like 50days to shop for your friends and family as the holiday season approaches. I really hated it when I went to go get fall decorations before October even started and Christmas stuff was already filling the shelves and Thanksgiving items were on sale. We skipped Halloween and Thanksgiving….what is the marketing plan for this?
So this blog is kind of blah…a day in the life of me…. ;-)
Upcoming events…..Hayride next Friday, maybe a little game night…hmmmm if anyone is up for that 6pm Friday November 11 $4.00 We are having smores too and singing songs I’m sure! Then Colorado vs. ISU home game! Tailgating is a must! Up next would be the best Thanksgiving dinner of all time….150 people or so gathering family style for a great meal! This reminds me I better start making pies now. All are invited to this too just let me know if you want more info. I think that is all that is going on except for Thumbs on Monday’s (I’m in 12th now with 20points….I have a long way to go knowing I’m no where close to the top…I’m like a third of the champs….lol) I get to go on tour of Farm house for class next week….how exciting….! You should see the excitement on my face right now! Lol you aren’t missing much.

Well I’m sure I have bored you enough have a wonderful weekend!
God Bless.

pics to be posted at a later time!

please forgive typos

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