Friday, November 11, 2005


Work….kids were great! They hadn’t had school all day so while the day was long it was rather joyful! Then I worked out…tried to take a nap :::uneventful stuff I thought I would bore you with:::: Then it is all about the hayride! Beautiful night, clear skies that you could look up to for hours….this guy took a group of us out to the middle of this timber area where a fire was going nicely….all ready with fresh apple cider and smores…..Mmmmmm I was kind of sad tho. Last year when we went on it at Val’s we dove around and sang songs and that was so much fun….this year we sang like one song around the fire and that was it. I had some friends with me…the monkey guy is in place of Jason who could not be there and the other one was Brad the moose…and the pig was just there for entertainment! Hayrides are fun because you can cuddle up in a blanket…breathe in the cows…look at the stars and lay in a big pile of leaves if need be! They make you feel young again…hey I still wanna ride things like the fire truck..he he

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