Saturday, February 03, 2007

What is too skinny?

I was flipping through channels the other day and saw a really big picture of Tyra. I stopped to listen and the whole topic for the show was about being too skinny...what is healthy, what is our society focusing on.
Well I'll be the first to admit, I have goals of being smaller. I don't have an eating disorder or the erg to be skin and bones. I want to be a healthy tone. I remember my first year in college second semester I made the goal for myself to gain weight. There was a blood drive coming up in school and I wanted to give blood. I was taking a weight training class and we all had to set goals for ourselves. I set that as a goal and lifted weights as much as possible, but in the end managed to loose about 10lbs because I got pneumonia.
I think that there is a healthy size for people. I think that some plus size models are healthy, people are just built differently. Do I think that most of America is obese, you bet to the point where it is leading to more heart conditions. It can be just as unhealthy to be too skinny. I think it is disgusting to see just bones, that isn't beauty. Do I think that how much they weigh is an issue...a little but some times the weight on the scale doesn't mean healthy/not.
Take me for example...I'm not stick thin, meaning I'm not all skin and bones. I have natural curves and weigh under 110lbs and am 5'4" That my appear to be under the BMI for what is normal, but I don't think I'm under weight and I don't think I'm over weight. I think I'm just out of shape (two very different things)
There was this girl on the show that was like the same height as me and she said at that weight she wanted to kill her self....I was like oh my gosh...This girl looked like death, she kept defending that she was healthy and that she was eating and keeping it down...but man was she so tiny and pale.
I feel for those with eating disorder and understand that it is a mental disability.
When I was in high school, my parents thought I had an eating disorder because I never came home to ask for a lunch card and they weren't home for breakfast and I was never home for dinner...they never saw really eat. I did eat, I would go down town because we had open campus, and then went to grandma's for dinner (frozen pizza was always a plus) I never had time for breakfast at home but at 6:30am the bagels were always fresh at the bakery.

I think society puts more of an emphasis on being skinny and not being healthy. Women's curves are natural it is what happens when our bodies mature and tell us that it is prepared to reproduce and have children.

I know that I'm not healthy. I’m not fat...but I could do a better job at watching what I eat. I sometimes just get too lazy to make dinner, or a complete dinner. I eat school lunch almost everyday…..and I normally try to eat a little something for breakfast or my stomach starts to growl during silent reading time in class.

Be Healthy!

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