Thursday, February 01, 2007

Psychotic...Gonna B

I'm going to go nuts...crazy...psychotic.... another day tomorrow at home. Why you may ask, there is about 1/2 inch of snow on the ground still. Oh my. When my principal called tonight to tell me the news, I told her this was insane. I'm going to go in to school in the morning regardless; I need to finish up on work and I don't get anything, but nothing done at home. Lack of motivation, mind set of laziness, day off type thing can you blame me. I do have goals for tomorrow. Finish up redoing my resume and then do my dishes and write out lesson plans for next week. I have to write them out as if I were in college again. I normally write out lesson plans that are just one liners or at least fit into a small box. For Tuesday I have to plan all lessons every subject just incase that is the one they walk in and see...the state is coming to check out our school and I'm getting a little nervous since we have missed 2 1/2 days of school now and need to make up the work in some form...grrrr
I can only stand being by myself for a little while before I find ways to entertain myself like cut my hair or doing more girly things like my nails and shave... who does that

I'm so excited for all my friends and family members that are getting married soon. I have weddings piling up...Andrea in July, Ciara in August, Kendra in September, and Casey in October. Out of the 4 I'm in 3 of them and truly honored. All of it makes me truly happy, but also kind of sad...cause here I am single and no where close any of that...maybe at least being in a wedding is a good sign that there is one of my very own in my future???? It is wishful thinking so please don't make a sad comment in reply. When I was in high school or jr. high I was one of the girls who had a plan...shouldn't have made a plan it only leads to disappointment. What plan you might ask...the plan to get out of school, have my first job, marriage, and first kid...which in my plan should have all happened before I hit 25. High expectations for myself I guess. I guess my plan isn't the same as God's and I just have to wait for his to kick in, cause right now it doesn’t feel like a very good plan in play.

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