Thursday, February 01, 2007

SCHOOL to SCHOOL Where do I go?

I'm so confused, I know that they are going to most likely offer me a contract to work where I'm at next year. The question I keep asking myself is should I? I would love to go back and teach in Iowa...Do I go back to my home some money...go back to teach for a few years in a town super small? I don't know. I think I would be ok?? I enjoy teaching down in MO but there is so much emptiness in me...I don't think that my home town will help fill the void but I'll be closer to my family only an hour and a half from my nephew and my friends compared to six hours. What do I do? I need to update my resume..oh will that take a while.
Does it look super bad if I teach at a school for one year leave and then do it again...if I take the job in my hometown and don't want to stay?

1 comment:

The Hopper Family said...

I think you should come to Des Moines...or not. Try Winterset or another smallish kind of town around here. Back in small town Iowa, but not necessarily your small town Iowa.

And geesh, how many snow days are you going to get during your first year?

And on the weight issue, it's yet another reason I'm glad I'm a guy. Unless my gut stretches out so far that I can't see my toes, few would consider me overweight. :-D