Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What is you status?

Oprah, yes I watch it on occasion (because it is on later now) I was watching it tonight and they were talking about class…. It totally got me thinking.
What class are you in now, what class do you hope to be in some day, what class were you in as a child, does class matter? Does the “ American dream” seem real? Does a work ethic change for each class? Does your class have to do with luck, just the way you were brought up, or your parents? Questions on my mind.

3 class indicators: (according to the man on Oprah)…I just happen to agree with this.
weight, teeth, dialect (local means not as educated)

Well I personally feel like I grew up in lower class, we didn’t have a lot as children…bargin hunters were we, playing in the mud, going to work with dad. I didn’t know any different, and I didn’t feel like I stood out in school until like jr. high. In jr. high girls started wearing name brand jeans that cost $100 and I knew that that wasn’t an option…nor did I think that was a smart choice. Still to this day I’m the same way (favorite store is the Dollar Tree everything is $1.) I don’t like to pay more for a swimming suit with less material than a pair of jeans. My parents worked hard, they always worked at owning things…they own their house, they own their land…they aren’t in debt to anyone…they are on their own. They worked to graduate college and I feel that they are in the upper middle class now just looking at the amount of money that they bring it. I am in aw that they have always had a strong work ethic and spend money with the intent of bettering something and not just to be spending it.
I personally feel like I am middle class, because I have more than others material wise, I am educated (meaning I have a college education)….but financially because I’m just out of college it would appear that I’m lower class based on the $ or lack their of.
I hope to own my own house someday…and be out of dept and be rather happy just to be in middle class.
I don’t think I would want to be upper class, I want to make sure that work ethic, pride, and education is all apart of my future child’s being and knowing many people in all sorts of class levels…the upper class loses a lot of the ideals that makes America great. The gap in the U.S. is so great….there are really poor and really rich and not so many in between…I want to just be in the middle.


The Hopper Family said...

Ha, I really hope the man on Oprah wasn't entirely right. If so, I've got far too many "low class" families to deal with every day. Poor dental hygiene and obesity alone don't make a person low class...or does it? Tough call. Definitely better let the O-ster handle that one.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that there is just one or two things that make a person a certain status. If I were a teacher in a different state out west...I wouldn't make enough to get by based on their society...I think location makes a difference on the change of status or of class. I think I would stand out a little or be set aside if I lived in a place like California.