Tuesday, January 30, 2007

OOPs: Forgot my pants

Today is one of those days that I wish I could have started off better. 7:30am I went to go change…and realized I forgot my pants. Wow, what a way to start the day. Then behavior problems all day. 3 o-clock rolls around and school is out, I find myself having to go to the bathroom because during a break I was dealing with those behavior problems and having to observe my mentor (have it done before the state comes to pick our school apart) It doesn’t say how long you have to observe…5 minutes is all I the time I had and that is all she had to watch me. I found out grades are due in the morning…grrrrr talk about a little stress. A good note of the day is my financial advisor is not coming tomorrow so I didn’t do my dishes tonight…what a relief. Well Dirt is on, got to go.

FYI: I had pants on don't get me wrong I leave the house with them on...but I had cheerleading first. I had pj pants on not something I would teach in. I packed clothes....I put in an extra sweater and left my pants on the floor. It took me a while to remember that I had extra clothes on behind my desk.

1 comment:

The Hopper Family said...

Glad you added that last paragraph to clarify. I was trying to figure out what you were teaching in exactly. Shorts? A skirt? A kilt?

Definitely go with a kilt next time!