Sunday, January 14, 2007

ICE....ICE...and More ICE

I'm so glad to finally be able to get online. I haven't had cable or the Internet since Friday night and have been bored out of my mind. I can't really go anywhere and there isn't anybody to talk to. If you didn't know an ice storm has hit the lower Midwest. I've been in an ice storm before, but never have I heard or seen the damage being done (and it isn't over). I'm fortunate to have electricity most of the time, which means heat, and my tree out front hasn't gone through any windows or hit my car (so things aren’t all bad) Earlier I said I could hear the damage. Well just lying in bed you could hear the trees break and limbs fall to the ground it is an eerie feeling to hear such a sound and question where it came from. Well I don’t think we will be having school tomorrow, but who knows? I placed some pictures on here. The first one is off a bush from the first ice storm back at the end of November and now look at the bush. This is it melted.....week later!

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