Monday, January 15, 2007

No School

No School...I have nothing to do, but at least I have heat. Last night was a little chilly...the whole town was black...really black and I curled up in my bed with lots and lots of blankets. I'm not sure that we will have school tomorrow. If we do more branches have fallen and I can't get my car out to go there because of all the newly fallen branches.
I remember as a child ice storms weren't much fun either, I don't remember the year. I was young and it was October (right before Halloween) My sister and I were playing monopoly on her bed when the electricity went out. I remember going out to the shed to tell my dad, my mom was at work. When the electricity went out that also meant that we didn't have water either, because at that time we had well water (take electricity to pump up the water)
I remember mom bringing home pizza for dinner. When it got dark we lit the kerosene lamps all over the house and played Win Lose or Draw and 20questions. I remember not having school and the town canceling Halloween because of all the ice, snow, and cold temperatures. Well knowing that the town had already bought all that candy I remember walking a few streets with my cousin Josh and his mom. He was a lion just a mask and a tail I was some type of animal I think a peacock mask. We were both as bundled up as we could be. (we got a lot of candy that year) Ice storms...just meant that you couldn't get a glass of water from the sink...and you had a lot of time to spend playing games and playing outside. Now it is sleeping.....checking papers, and sleeping, catching up with friends on the phone.

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