Tuesday, December 06, 2005


So here is the deal, I’m getting ready to student teach. Which means no job for me except me paying to student teach. (doesn’t make a lot of sense, I know) “ISU Hitler” as described by Dr. M in reading today. Any who. I have been informing the children in my room at least once a week, sending notes home, and all that good stuff so the transition won’t come as a shock to them. Today one of the boys asked me if I had to go. I told him I had to. He asked why….I replied back “because I have to grow up too”. Matt turned to me slowly and looked me in the eyes and said “I wish there was a Neverland.” That is the quote has stuck with me all afternoon. I have written out a personal letter to each one of my children, finished the last one last night. It was so hard to sit there and not cry. I get to take with me so many memories, stories, and adventures from each one. I know the experience will make me a better teacher and parent in the future. I have been with most of these children for 3 years. I watch a lot of them outside of the center in my spare time. I go to their baseball games even school plays. Some of them I even move in with for a week at a time, what I like to call a fill in mommy. I’m so attached to them, my last day is the 4th of January and I don’t know how I’m going to make it through the day. I know that this is what I need to do, I need to continue to grow in my life and my career. I too wish there were a Neverland.


Anonymous said...

I was going to make a funny comment about dance moves, but it seems so innappropriate after a post like that..

Kris said...

Thanks OC? The dance moves...I think you have mutated them into something they really aren't any way. :-)