Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Just another day.....

I was talking to one of my kids this morning. He said I should just stay at work and not go teach anywhere ….that I should stay in college forever or at least until he was out of school. I told him that wasn’t possible. I told him that there were kids I babysat that have graduated from high school and our now in college, in colleges I once had attended. “He said that would be weird, what if you had a class with them.” I admit I have been in school way too long….the 5 year plan, super senior, thriving five…whatever you wanna call it. I turned in my graduate application today. (procrastination I know!) It is weird thinking I’m almost done with school, once I start student teaching I hit the real world, or at least I hit another part of the real world called the professional life. I have this fear of moving on, fear of growing up, fear of lots of things. Is anyone else in the same boat? I am 2 finals down 2 to go and only one paper to write. Last year at this time in the semester I think I was up to 14 papers that had to be written….wow. This semester has really seemed to breeze by I can’t believe Advent is almost over.

It is snowing out...and has made it up to a temp. higher than zero.

Dream Sweet

"i don't wanna grow up I'm a toys R russ kid."

forgive my typos...i'm sleepy.

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