Monday, August 15, 2005

Small World After All

It’s a small world after all. So I took part of the day off to go to the Iowa State Fair. I was a ten-year 4-Her and loved every minute of the fair has always been a little part of my life. I wasn’t really impressed with the fair this year it was all about the food….there were venders everywhere, the cost of food was outrageous, and the things they put on a stick….wow, eggs on a stick better yet bologna on a stick…really who thinks this stuff up. I did enjoy walking around the fairgrounds this afternoon in the sun….but I saw everything I needed to see within a few hours. I ran into my old music teacher, her daughter, and an old classmate of mine in one walk through a building then later I walked past another teacher I had in school that moved away ages ago…he had a wife and a baby girl…not even like 10 mins. later I ran into some one else I graduated from high school with, with his family. However, I only ran into one parent from work…which was the funnies cause she wanted to know why I wasn’t there and I told her that I already went to work for the day and this was the only vacation I have before starting school a week from today. (where did the summer go) I just think it is odd who you know and how you are connected to so many people. Have you really ever thought about it? I think it is truly a small world after all. I was always told that in life it isn’t always what you know, but who you know is how you are going to get to the top.

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