Sunday, September 21, 2008

Why Friends?

Hanging out in DSM this weekend really got me thinking. Why are we friends with our friends? I sat at a bachelorette party, wondering why some of my other friends aren't there, wondering are we all going to show up at Gina's wedding? Nobody keeps in contact like they use to, they all have gone in different directions, what if the only thing that makes us friends are the past stories that we have. Hanging out is just like old times, but something is off, there isn't a present story there are only past stories. what are those things that brought us together in the first place. have you ever been able to pin point when you became friends with your "friends". I think about the people I consider myself friends and I know that we have been friends for close to 15-20 years. The friends from college we had common interests or a common future ahead (like education). People you meet at the bar could you say that you had a common interest you both showed up at the same place or those who show up at a church.
Counseling at camp the teens kept saying that the friends there were real friends, they understood that they were different than friends back home, they got to be who they were at camp. They couldn’t be those people at their own school?
I watch my kindergartners as they socially interact with little judgment in their minds, friends with whoever and changing those thoughts and opinions each day. they haven't been molded to a certain identity of friend just when does that happen. I can remember becoming friends with Casey in the 1st grade...I remember meeting her on the playground, I can remember that she was shy but we had similar that must have done it for me. We have been the best of friends ever since...I can't recall an argument/fight/backstabbing/ or pettiness amongst those years.
I have a wide Varity of friends but as I get older, they seem to fade out if there isn’t a lot of effort made (mainly on my part) I don’t know what to think of friends who never call who never drop a line just to say hello….are those people really friends?

think about your friends, think about the effort you make to keep them as your friends

maybe you don't make an effort, but are you there for your friends when they need you? If you live in a different state and you haven't talked to the person in 5 years, would it be ok for that person to stop by on their way through town? If they were sick would you be the one to visit or send flowers?

Friends are needed, friends are forever, friends are family. Friends are life long memories.

1 comment:

The Hopper Family said...

Good Thoughts! Well, friend, it's nearing 1:00 AM and I've yet to update my blog. Thanks for keeping in touch! I'll bet you "dollars to donuts" that if all else fails, we will always have that humble abode known as Lagomarcino. How's that for a shared experience? Ooooh, or even better, how about Merkley's class. Talk about memories...not necessarily the good kind. G'night