Monday, September 01, 2008


I want a guy that is respectful to me and others, that is ready to take a walk with God and grow in faith with me, some one who challenges me and makes me to want to be a better person, some one that makes me laugh and doesn’t mind that I’m shy some times, some one that has goals for himself and his future, a guy that won’t change who is because of me, a guy that likes kids (not having them soon but some day) oh and i like to see how a guy treats his mother because that is a good reflection on how he will treat a wife….is this too much to ask for? I have standards for friends too….which tend to be mainly guys…everyone for the most part can be my friend, but the ones close to me… their number one quality needs to be their willingness to forgive my stupidity and for me being me, trust and honesty are right up there too with anyone I hang with. God puts so many people in our lives and they all make up who we are as individual, so thank you for molding me!

Did you see the date on the message above? It is now 2008 and I'm still single. Shannon asked me tonight as we were sitting by the fire, what kind of man I was looking for. I told her let me find that old blog...i had a list. It may not be current, but it is there.

I have had a long ass weekend, and with it being Labor day it isn't over yet. I'm confused about me, confused about following my heart...but I want a man in my life. It is currently 2am, i'm sitting in bed awake for the second time in a row, thinking about men...and how crapy they are.

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