Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Mission Impossible

I was looking through my agenda book today and was focusing on all the things I have to do in October and realized that it is almost half over....meaning one more month until I'm 23 and 2 more months until I'm student teaching....wow! In the wonderful organized mess of a book was a question that was well typed at the bottom of the page that reads " if i had to write a one-sentence mission statement for lmy life, what would it be?" I hadn't really thought about that before...I have thought about my purpose here and as a teacher I know I'm going to need a mission statement for my classroom, just like i had one when I was coaching. Why should it be any different with my mission statement in life? hmmmmm ::::thinking of what my mission statement could be:::::::it is taking longer than I thought:::::::hmmmmmm
ok so my mission statement in life is
"I am who I am and nothing less, I will not change for anyone, but am molded by everything."
What about your mission statement?

Hope everyone is doing well, have a great week!

God Bless,

Focus for week: serving others....how do we serve others? (sunday school topic of last week :-) )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We serve others by sharing our Hersey bars! Sincerely, The Special Helper