Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Bouncing Baby Boy!

(Before Picture)
Well sorry for never posting anything. I feel I have been sick for weeks...oh wait I have been...lol
Good news in my life (there has been lots of really good things happening :-) the number one good thing tho is my sister had a baby... John Allen born on Sunday at 11:30am 8lbs 5oz and 21 inches long....God created gift, a blessing wrapped in a blanket. I will try to post pictures later!
Other good things going on fall, my favorite season is upon us. A bunch of my friends are gettting married! Few of my friends are having babies really really soon. Large groups of people are showing up for ulitimate frisbee...Workouts are fabulous. .....school is almost to a break, and I like being able to have the time to start new relationships with people.
I want to take the time to Thank God for all the Blessings in my Life. ::THank YoU:::

I hope all of you have a wonderful day. I'm off to bed to get some sleep and get rid of my yuckyness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better...Pimpi Supergirl (or whatever it was I called you in class tonight).