Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Worlds Most Important Discovery

See what God has done! Numbers 23:23

On May 24th, 1844, the inventor Samuel Mores sent a message by telegraph from Baltimore to Washington. His message contained only four words: “What hath God wrought!” (Wrought meaning created, fashioned, or produced) That successful demonstration sold his inventions, and newsgathering agencies turned to its use. In our day of satellite television and cell phones, we have to go to a museum to learn about Morse’s inventions or read about them in history books. How many of us have cell phones and don’t think about 10 years ago or even 20 years ago when touchtone phones weren’t even prominent.
There is no replacement for the telegraph God uses to transmit his message to us. Jus as to the generations before and after us, God speaks to us through his Word. The methods used to carry his Word may change. Through television and radio, the computer, recordings of all kinds, the printed page, and the witness of people, we receive Gods’ message. In the future, ho knows what means might pop up? And we’ll thank God even as we try to harness those means to get his Words out.
But the message will still be the same. It’ll still be, “See what God has done.” It’ll point at the sinner within the chilling reminder of God’s law-what man has done can only doom him. Then it’ll point to God with the saving revelation of God’s gospel….what Jesus has done is more than enough to save the sinner. “See what God has done in the amazing love to save the sinner. See what God has done in the enduring love to ready the sinner for heaven.” For that timeless message there can never be a replacement.
Another great invention….that I didn’t talk about above is the printing press. With the invention of the printing press it made the scripture more readily available to the common man….more easily able to translate and spread the word of God. Oh and it helped Martin Luther out too…who could forget the reformation that changed the world.
"Everything that is done in the world is done with hope."~Martin

God Bless Your Day

Devotion guided by Together with Jesus by Richard Lauersdorf

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