Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Get Excited

Ok so I have a story for you, you might not enjoy this or it might not bring a smile to your face like it does mine…but I’m going to tell you any way. so I’m an aide in the afternoon around lunch time with the three year old group and one of the younger ones came up to me outside and said he had to poopy. +spelling of which I’m unsure of+ so I sent him inside to find the other teacher…. Background…sometimes it is hard for young boys to go on the potty….and this boy while never peeing his pants anymore sometimes doesn’t tell us in time for the other job. He came back outside about ten minutes later with a smile ear to ear. He ran right over and told me what he did…he didn’t go in his pants he went in the potty. Man was he excited…he ran another boy down to tell him what he’d done…then went on to the next little one. They were all happy for him, they would say good job and tell him that they had gone too or what not. For some reason a child being so excited he had to share the good news with everyone made me think of how we all should be excited to share such good news. Tonight at devotion Anne talked about being bold and getting out their to find out about people and were they stand in relationship with God…and their background. I feel that sometimes that is hard for someone who is more introverted like me. I pray tonight that all of us get as excited as this pure hearted boy that went potty….that we can take something as simple as God’s word and share the good news.

God Bless

Extra Extra Read All About It: Jesus Loves U


Anonymous said...

You're introverted?

Kris said...

yes i tend to think of myself as introverted....(i'm getting better and working hard not to be....around new people...once you get to know me, i don't shut up)....As for good news about the potty...I wouldn't start off like that...i would bring that up later....there are more important things to lay out on the table....