Thursday, September 22, 2005

Shout out to Friends

So often I wander down the side walk thinking about how do people see me....I know I have a blog some where in the stack that has mentioned these things before. I am a people watcher, I love to try to think about what people are thinking...I love trying to get the minds of people and make a story up about their random as it is. When I was growing up my best friend Casey and I would sit in front of the TV and make up the words to the television show that was on mute. (Great entertainment if you need some) Man did we get creative. Which brings up my random thought of the night. How friends are important to me...and why I call them my friends. My closest friends are like a second family to me....friends mean the world to me and I would be nothing life without them. So then who do I call my friends....? My friends are those I meet when I walk down the sidewalk....those that might not even really know me, those that say hello and continue on in life.....friends are those who leave foot prints to guide...."friends in the family" are those who forgive me for my mistakes in life and stick around in the walk with others...they are the ones that will pick me up on the side of the road at 1am or those who will listen to my tears. It is so hard coming to a new place and think about making friends...but i learned you have to let people have to let people think what they want. I know that I normally hang out with just guys....why is that? I don't really date...nor do I feel the need to any time soon...( must stay focused) guy friends are my thing I guess....always has been. When I analyize the circle of friends....i see patterns I hang out with church people, speders, co-workers, and people from my past like high school. Most of my friends that I remain true to are girls....It is so cool that no matter how long we go without talking the minute we begin to it feels as if we hadn't stopped talking in forever.....we just connect. I guess in all my ramble mumble mess of words I just wanna give a shout out to all my friends ....thank you for always being there for me, for understanding and accepting my randomness and my giggles. I'm so blessed that God has allowed you to walk into my life and I into yours. Thought as you continue on for the day...where do friends come into play in your life? What do you look for in a friend?
God Bless Friends,

sorry for the typos....forgiveness is a good quality in friendship. :-)


Anonymous said...

The OC forgives your typos and sends the shout out right back to a friend. Uh-Oh! It's 3am!

Anonymous said...

You don't mention names in blogs, huh?!? Haha. Grrrrr....

Kris said...

For the record...the names i do mention most people who read this don't know them and they themselves don't read my blog...
Thanks for the forgiveness....Mr. OC (ha ha) and i know i have lots of typos in this one and some missing
see ya better not be complaining you are tired tho...3am???

Kris said...

oh and OC thanks for letting me know you typed the comment on the Bike...i was starting to wonder... it all makes sense now!!! try picture or pen or computer....hmmm???

Anonymous said...

picture--There's a song by Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock called "Picture"

pen--got nothing

computer--all I can think about is the wedding song from Napoleon, but I don't think it has computer

Anonymous said...

The OC hopes you made it home ok, and good luck with your speech. Think about a song for this one:

inebriated -- hahaha