Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The weather has returned to beautiful sunshine….

The weather has returned to beautiful sunshine….

I pound the sidewalk for about an hour a night, I watch kids out in the road…riding their bikes, not watching where they are going or what is coming. I normally walk at quick pace, or pick up a jog when the song is just right…..thinking about my day, about my future…about what is next for me in life, what I’m missing. I’m ready to come home, but at the same time I’m not sure how excited I’ll be at the end of the school year. It is coming up quick…my first year is almost over. I’m still going strong…..classroom is in an organized mess (yes, I said organized mess…I’m not the only one at school) I’m still trying to be patient, understanding, fair, and excited about the students learning. I wish I could say I felt the same way in my life outside of school. I’m not patient…dam it I want to go out on a date with a man. (a young, good looking man, with a good personality) understanding….not so much…I don’t understand how me walking on the sidewalk would create people driving by me 2 or 3 times…and oh the honking…adds to my music. Fair…not so much….having cramps in the middle of the week sucks…excited…I’m not that either…what is there to get excited about? No where to go no one to see…nothing to do….no body will play ultimate with me… L

I sound like such a downer right now…well watching the news will do you that these days. Wow is all I have to say….there are so many WOW factors to the massacre that happened at Virgina Tech…sending videos and what not…how can a person think like that, take action at that. I know that we all carry a lot of baggage around with us everyday….but I pray that with all the news coverage…that this doesn’t spill on to campus across the country… People need to learn how to “mind their own life” quote taken from my fifth quote door. “mind your own life” and deal with it on your own life with out involving others…how is killing other people who don’t even know your pissed off going to help anyone? Brain Tracy wrote, “ Decide exactly what you ant in life, write it down in detail, and decide that you will pay the price to achieve it.” Does that mean another person’s life, someone else’s husband, child, or sister?

My prayers go out to all those who are in mourning.

1 comment:

The Hopper Family said...

JBD! We probably do need to do some catching up. I apologize that I never got back to you last time you were in town. Between trying to get stuff done on the house now that it's warmer and making some sense of meaning out of my first year, I seem to have been pretty busy lately. Hope all is well (and that you're not as down as you sound in your last post)! We'll see ya soon!
