Wednesday, March 07, 2007


As you know, I don't really do the dating thing down in Missouri. However I managed to give out my number the other day just to get a guy kind of off my back.

There was a basketball game, the first one of the season for the 4th-6th grade. I went because they are my students. I was sitting in the front row...cheering them all on game after game. There are 2 referees and they should be watching the game. I don't know how the bald guy found out my name, he has seen me at high school games, but still. any who....
He came over and sat by me during a timeout and asked if I was single...I"m not up to lying about things..I told him yes, but I was a first year He then said that the other ref. thought that I was attractive and he would probably come and sit by me later....I moved up after the 6th grade girls got done to sit by Mr. J's wife. Trying to avoid the situation...and to make a guessing game of the ref's age. We were guessing upper 30's???? Well I thought that moving would do the trick, they couldn't stop mid game to talk to was I wrong. The ref (with hair) sat by the 6th grade girls on the bench...(they were cheering on their classmates) then the bald ref. came thing I know the 4 girls are running up the bleachers to tell me that the "spiky haired ref. thinks your beautiful" Wow was my face red...not at the comment, but the fact that they said it incredibly loud with a gym full of people.

That was all over, I thought I could leave when the game was done with no problem....well I walked out as soon as it was done...walked quickly ;-) and almost made it when the bald ref. came running out of the gym.....yelling my name. I stopped (I don't know why) he kept asking for my give to Dave the shy one....I finally gave in.

Dave ended up calling me 4 times that night...I didn't answer and they didn't leave a message. The next day he called me over lunch...and left a message....

What should I do? I know that he is too old for me and I have no interest, but I don't want to be a bitch...mean you know.

Nothing like a man in zebra stripes count as a uniform.

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