Sunday, March 25, 2007

Top Secret

Well life goes on day by day. MAP tests are just around the corner and I'm nervous that my students may not perform to their abilities.

I may have lots of them, but the secret I'm keeping from my students is that I will not be returning the next year. Instead I'm headed back to my home school to teach kindergarten. It was a tough decision, but I miss being around my family. While living in the same town I grew up in may not be ideal for me....I know that I want to see my friends more and I want to watch my nephew grow up not visit him every 3 months. Don't tell my students (not that any of you know them) I was asked the other day "do you still give it your all or because you have a job lined up you don't care what happens at school?" I replied, " I give it my all, this is my career it doesn't matter where I'm teaching....I'll always give it my all."

I'm moving in July and will be free to run around and visit with people before getting busy in August with school.

The beautiful weather has me out running/jogging again, but I still find myself in the cemetery because people stop to stare, just stop their cars, or the new one is drive and wave continually. My goal is to get up early in the morning and run before school...with the darkness I hope it doesn't discourage me. I would really like to get into shape...or be healthy I should say. I'm not looking at loosing wait, because I'm already sitting ok on a scale, I'm going for muscles and being tone...eating would do me some good. I have been trying to eat healthy food...when I eat.

Well I'm off to bed....I have another 3 nights of basketball this week and a whole tournament on Saturday!!

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