Monday, May 16, 2005


Yesterday we celebrated Pentecost (Birthday of the Church). Acts 2:1-21 Is the story of Pentecost when a great changed was noticed when change amazed and shocked many. Pastor kept repeating the words “my have you changed” he said that when people show up at graduations, class reunions, family reunions…the common words are just those. We see physical, political, and even spiritual changes being made in people’s lives. Pentecost is about recognizing the change in the church…..seeing how each of us are touched by the spirit. Where would we be today if it weren’t for the changes that were seen in Saul. (Paul) Where would we be if Martin Luther didn’t nail the 95 Thesis to the door….which later led to the Reformation, if he hadn’t felt the spirit and made a change? On July 4, 1776 The Declaration of Independence was signed, but yet the King of Britain had written in his journal, “nothing important happened on this day.” Yet through those changes we have all been changed here in America. Change might not have been seen at that time, by the people around them, or the people on the other side of the globe. Changes were made, lives altered….It was ten days after the ascension of Christ that lives where noticeably different for His disciples that then through that transformation were others changed as well. When the Holy Spirit came down to them and leaders were then teachers, that those that were reluctant were peaceful at heart, those that were disciples were now apostles. They made there way to thousands speaking in the people’s native tongues, worshiping and sharing the message of God’s love to others. What an awesome change.

Think about how many people you are connected to, how many lives to you have a chance to change, mold, and influence? On facebook it says that I’m connected to 4526 through my friends…and that is a big number. How can I not want to share my faith with at least one of those who don’t know about His almighty and awesome love?

Lord I pray that you may help to bring changes in our lives, be good or bad, help us to grow in your love, help us to share that love with others. May we all have a chance to grow and change not only physically (we are all getting old) but spiritually.

As we think of Pentecost think of change….think of how we can invite the Holy Spirit to Come.

God Bless,

Forgive the typos…I was a little scatter brained when this was written!

Also if you want to read another interesting blog check out….

1 comment:

Kris said...

Hey hey...i fixed it...all better now, my typos come normally when I am talking and typing at the same time....1976 is corrected to 1776.
God Bless,