Thursday, October 02, 2008

I have sinned agains the Lord. 2 Samuel 12:13

Today's quote is "Imagination is everything" by Jane Austin

Today we had a read a million minutes kick off for Camp Read S'more so camping was our theme. I will admit it was pretty cheesy but it served as an ok kick off, that was thrown together litterly over night. Our goal is to read a million minutes by the end of the year....i don't have any idea what our large reward is when we meet our goal...any ideas? I don't think it will take until the end of the year. is our site to keep updated on how close we are, and because I'm in charge of the website.

Interview for a video thing is tomorrow....little nervous.

Getting back to my title:

I was reading my devotion again tonight (I'm on a role, 2nights in a row)
story~ lutheran school principal overheard students making fun of a a teacher he brings them to the office and lets them throw darts at the picture of the teacher hanging on the wall. When he removes the picture and shows it to them, there is a picture of Christ underneith. He was all full of holes just like the teacher's picture. "the piercing truth" How often do we talk about others, put others down and not think about how we are sinning against the Lord. Gossip is the hardest thing to get passed at any age. I know when I get together with my friends, we catch up on what is going on with our old classmates or people we know....gossip, we may not call it that, but realisticly that is what it is. Harsh words, rolling of the eyes....we all do it. what do we have to do to make it stop. As a teacher I don't like it when a 5 year old talks back or head bobs back and forth the worst is the rollling of the eyes.....kindergartners shouldn't have that attitude.

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