Saturday, June 11, 2005

Bachelor Party....hmmmm?

So last night I threw a bachelor party for my co-worker/friend/fellow elementary ed. major. I know you are thinking...girl throwing party for male getting married...little backward huh...? It was a good time however even Peter Pecker got to join us. I'm sure you are thinking who is Peter Pecker? Well he is the manliest of men, he attends bacheloret parties, baby showers, wedding showers, and now without the proper sex change completed yet he even came to the bachelor party. Peter Pecker (aka Patrica). Life of the party no doubt, comedic relief when some special blue punch was added to the situation.
Well now you know about my entertaining evening or little bits of it anyways. Unfortunately when you get together with co-workers you are bound to talk about work. (Which is my normally conversations anyways...I'm addicted to my job, what can I say) Any ways while I was laying on the carpet listening to the conversations...trying not to participate and ruin the ideal bachelor party i over heard the line "once they leave our classrooms they grow they move on and they initial forget about everything that was done and us." so that wasn't an exact quote but it is initially what they said. And I laid on the floor (hoping not to get stepped on ) trying to stay focused on what they had said...thinking to myself that is very sad, but very true. Many of the children will leave my room and never mention my name again I will long be forgotten as they grow....just thinking of this made me very sad. I hope that it isn't true...I hope that I can impact at least one child in my classroom that when they leave they come back whether it be the next year or 20 years down the line. I would love to know if I made an impact on at least one child's memory.
So these are all of my random thoughts for this morning...a picture / two may be posted later....I will make sure to blur part of the images so it isn't inappropriate for the site. (however I don't have my camera because I'm a silly drunk girl and left it in my co-worker's car (and no I didn't leave it there on purpose...regardless of what he


Unknown said...

Hello cool wbesite , i see you are a interested person. you like me ;) you are cool lol, well kisss take care i will visit offen you website ok and by the waty you daughter grace is very pretty , you must love her a lot ;) kiss

Kris said...

Thanks you! Grace is not my daughter but she is very beautiful and I do love her a lot, her mother is a friend of mine.
God Bless,