Friday, January 06, 2006

Just another day....

I have now visited both of my classes and I’m so excited to start on Tuesday. I got to watch my nephew today...we took a nap together. I miss all of my kids very much and I want to call them and stop by to see them, but I know that I have to move on. I called up a superintendent today that I know very well for a recommendation, he wants me to teach in his district and I was calling so he can help me get into a different one….does that make me a bad person. I don’t want to be stuck in the small town where I grew up, 13 years in a district is long enough. I know some people have already started teaching, and while I’m in a hurry I felt is best to leave my place of employment when I did for a reason. So far this New Year has started out a little rocky; I pray that all gets better from here. I wrote in a card to send to a friend today that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle, I hope I can cope with everything heading my way.

Oh side note and invite…dancing….tomorrow night…ames?

Something on my mind…what are traditions that you have with your family?

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