Monday, July 25, 2005

off day

Do you ever just have those off days where nothing is really wrong, but it really feels like there is something wrong you just can’t put your finger on what it is? That seems to be my day I’ve been a little moody lately I’m the first to admit when I’m a little bitchy. I feel like there is something missing in my life, like something isn’t there. I haven’t really been hanging out with my friends this summer like I wanted, nor I have gotten a lot of the things I need to be on top of before finishing up with school….maybe I’m not missing anything, maybe I’m just scared. I’m not really sure. I know that it isn’t because I’m single…cause while I wish I had a better half I know that timing isn’t on my side right now. (I’ve learned to except…I could be single for a really long time) I love being single and ready to mingle when I go out…but sometimes it just gets old. I know that God has some ultimate plan for me and maybe that is to walk the path alone as for now I’m going to search for what I’m missing in my own life and hope I feel more comfortable in my own shoes. I got a letter in the mail today from an old friend and maybe that is what has sparked my really odd mood this evening I’m not really sure or it could be because my co-worker is no longer working with me any more and it is weird. Man all of this is really random, but I have needed to clear my head and the best way to do that is writing. Dream Sweet

God Bless,

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