Monday, June 18, 2007

Things I hate

I know I might need to take in some extra iron. I bruise easily, but there is no reason why I should come home from clubbing with bruises that weren’t from me falling down drunk, or from someone’s mouth i.e. hicky, but from men trying to get me to dance with them or their friend. NO means, no, not interested…choose someone else to bump and grind on. I’m one of those girls who goes out to dance…not grind…I’m there for the energy of the club, the social experience, the workout, the relaxation of dance. I hate it when guys come up behind me and just expect me to get up on them.

I have had some great experience and met some great people at bars…do you think that it is possible to meet a future husband or wife at a bar? What are your thoughts on exchanging numbers and “real” names?

You know what else I hate, toll roads. Them money for toll roads I thought was to create a great road…think of the amount of money that comes from a toll road everyday. Shouldn’t it be fabulous to drive on…?

I only have the internet for 2more days….until I move again and get new service!

To add to my list of hates today...I would say people who make promises and don't keep them...grrr

Oh and forgetting what I was really going to write about tonight that was going to be more indepth...than this

1 comment:

The Hopper Family said...

JBD, don't feel bad about the guys trying to dance all up on ya. There is a reason you were nicknamed the JBD after all...

Hope the move goes well!