Sunday, December 03, 2006

snow days

Well I have been shut into my house now since Thursday! We had a little ice/ snow storm. Teachers enjoy not having school just like the students do. I did get out to shovel my drive, went a while without electricity for a few hours, and had one tree broken into 4 smaller pieces because of the weight of all the ice. My neighbor said that this is the most snow they have gotten total in 3 years….I must have brought that Iowa weather with me. I was going to be sad if I missed all the beautiful snow!
My small break wasn’t all it was cracked up to be the only thing I have done is sleep, eat, sleep some more and today I got ¾ of my Christmas cards ready to send out.
I hope all is well in the world, I don’t get out much in it any more. I went home for Thanksgiving break and spent time with my family, went to a lighted parade, played in the park with some beautiful children, and met the girls for doughnuts and drinks down on main street. Before that was my birthday…someday it is hard to remember how old I am, the older I get the more I have to think about it. 24 that is my age….it is young I know, but some days it feels very old. For my birthday some of my co-workers and friends went to the new bond movie (would love to know what people thought of it) and went what was suppose to be ice cream end up at Applebee’s for a drink and chocolate cake. Well I’m off to bed…little up date on my life it is hard to keep up with so many small writing tasks. I hope everyone is in the holiday spirit!
God Bless

Ps sorry if this makes no sense and has many errors…I typed and didn’t reread any of it.

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