Sunday, August 28, 2005

walking...what does that mean?

Today started out wonderful, I got up after going to bed way to late, I went to church where I repeated “good morning” at least sixty-five times. I got to sit be hide a nice young gentleman and pick on him. Then I went grocery shopping, worked out, watched a movie on the tube, then went and played ultimate Frisbee on central campus. Which we had a great turn out for this weekend and the weather was beautifully hot. Then I waited for Pastor Marks dinner to be done and ate at the church, which also had a great turn out. I came home to do homework and decided I had no focus because all I could do was watch the CNN news about the category five hurricane that is about ready to hit New Orleans in the morning. My aunt lives about 100 miles northwest of there in Mississippi, which will get hit pretty hard because it is in that upper quadrant of winds. So I ask for prayers for her and her two children along with millions of other people that are down in that area. I pray that they may come through this tragic event alive.
I’m going to jump back up to this morning…I park at the MU and walk over to church from the parking ramp as I was walking over I had a thoughtful moment…I was looking down at the ground for just a second….I started thinking about how we walk…or how we carry books is a good sign of our personality or how we are feeling that day. I often like to people watch and try to figure out what people might be thinking and I notice people that walk with their heads down a lot…and other clutch books in their hands wrapping their arms around them like they are wanting to give them a good bye hug. I think that means that they aren’t so secure about things, or that they are worried. I sometimes see people with there heads straight up and walking quickly, which to me shows that maybe that person has a lot of confidence….any ways I started to think about how I walk compared to my moods or compared to others that are feeling the same way. How do you walk and why?
That is all I have tonight! That was my day in a nut shell, I hope yours was good.

God Bless,

I have one more question…why is it so hard for me to get along with girls? I knew I should have moved in with a guy…I just don’t like to deal with petty conflicts…is that sooo wrong?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I walk slow with my head up so that I am aware of wierd people on campus analyzing the way I walk.

I don't know why you have a hard time with girl roomates, though. Since leaving the dorms, I've had 3 different roomates, 2 of which (including the current one) were female. I get along with the girls better because they try to keep the apartment clean and organized. Therefore I do also and everyone's happy. While living with the guy, we were both slobs and so he was always grumpy (he finds the hood of my car leaning against the living room wall with a carburator soaking in degreaser on the Coffee table and I never hear the end of it). While in the dorms, I had one roomate that was really wierd (I think you can relate) and some others that weren't around much. But we all got along.

I'd be posting on my own blog right now, but I can't remember my Username, Password, or the email address I used to register, so I'm pretty much locked out of my own site. I continue enjoying yours, though. Good luck to your relatives down south, I hope they come out unscathed.