Monday, August 22, 2005

First day of school

Well today was long to say the least, enjoyable non the less. I just got home not to long ago from doing calls for peer ministry. Calls are where two people get together with a list of names of people that have come to church, who put down that they were Lutheran on the application, or that were requested by home congregations for us to visit…we don’t just stop by random places. So two days in a row I have done that…tonight was pretty good didn’t really have to leave any notes saying “sorry we missed ya we stopped to say hi”….those are good notes to fling under doors…which is a talent I might add. I love meeting people, but I know deep down ones that are new to the area are a little freaked out by us knocking on their door….but that is all the fun of it!
I worked about eight hours this morning with twenty eight school agers and then headed to class for a few hours. I’m kind of excited to get creative and write lesson plans and create history/social studies units…to create board games and do lots of useful education things. I’m glad to see eleven special ed majors in my class it is comforting to know that we have each other to make it through classes together because we already know that we all work well together and get a long or as I like to say mesh well together. I have three classes tomorrow on top of work on the in-between times…and then I’m headed to Bible study. I didn’t run into any lost freshman…I’m sure I will catch up to some later. I pray that everyone had a great first day to a new semester. God Bless
I’m off to sleep~ dream sweet!


Oh yeah do you remember growing up and having your first day of school...did you do anything special...pick out a new outfit...take pictures...?
When I was little ever year before getting on the bus we would put on our backpacks and stand in front of the magnolia tree in the front yard. I would always lay out my outfit the night before so I would be on time and motivated the first day of school....ummm that is all i can remember. M;y bus driver always did donald duck voices on the first day of school to...loved Ron...he was the greatest bus driver ever! What about you...share a little please!

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