Friday, August 26, 2005

Chirp Chirp

Today was kind of exciting…the movie I wanted to take the kids to wasn’t showing and because of the straight down pour we couldn’t really do a whole lot outside. I only have four kids at this time that are either going to the private Christian school or to the new middle school which they both open on Monday. Instead of the movie we walked around the mall and randomly picked stores to walk through. I bought my first pack of Harry Potter Jelly Bellies today to share with them. If you haven’t heard of them they are like the candy’s they eat on the train ride in the movie…candies that have disgusting flavors like ear wax, vomit, soap, sardine, dirt, earthworm, grass, black pepper, bacon, rotten egg, and boogers….my advise if you ever try these is to stand by the trashcan while eating and expect exactly what is says it is to enter into your taste buds….yuck!
One of my oldest kids had his last day and his mom was in tears when she first left this morning…and she knew it would only get harder when she came back that night to pick him up. She is such a great mom (some day I hope to be half the mom she is), we get a long really well so I will miss seeing her five days a week…I will miss the boy too, he bought a lot of different personalities in the room. When the twelve left on Wednesday I said my good-byes and left so they didn’t really see me get to emotional (even though I was) today I was crying in the hallway all teary eyed….and another one of my kids thought that was funny he thought I would be laughing because the boy was leaving….he then kept repeating that it was his last day too and I better cry when he leaves as well….lol it really wasn’t the last day for him, but he knows that I will leave before him so there will be tears then too….well enough about that emotional stuff.

Have you ever had a cricket sneak into your room and when all the lights are shut off and it is peaceful…you here it chirp? Oh how it drives me nuts…it is like a fly in the summer time that will buzz around your ear while you are sleeping or half awake and sound is just annoying. Well I hunted down the cricket in my room tonight….hiding in a corner. I kept telling myself I wasn’t going to bed until he was found.

Well now that the cricket is gone I can sleep in peace.

God’s peace be with you

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