Sunday, August 07, 2005


(no not the game of RISK...the action)
Most of us are familiar with Peter walking on water(Matthew 14), his faith, and the fact that we aren’t meant to walk on water but with our eyes fixed on Christ all things are possible. Peter did undoubtedly walk on water for a short while before looking down and filling head of doubts. Today in the sermon pastor Mark wanted us to focus on our struggles and how Christ saves. It wasn’t that Peter wasn’t suppose to be out on the water it is that he took the RISK and did it, he followed the path upon the water to Christ unlike the others in the boat. Even though he struggled Christ reached out his hand and saved Peter, just like he does for us everyday. Here is the deal with Peter and why no ones would get into the water with him. Back in the day they still believed in ghosts and stuff just like today we have this fascinations with not only spirits but aliens. The storms that surrounded them are like evil things to them as well as the sea they were on. So knowing that they could drowned in the evil sea to the deep water abyss scared them so they didn’t wanna take that RISK. They were struggling earlier on in this chapter as well when a storm came to them and Jesus was sleeping in their boat….he had to awake and calm the sea because they were struggling. How many times to we turn to Christ when we are struggling and in need of help. I know that I try to fix things on my own but I really need to start turning more to Christ because only He knows my true struggles and not just the small ones like fitting into a pair of jeans or trying to make it to a swim class after work. We all struggle even if you don’t know it to be a struggle right then later on down the road you may look back and know you made it through that moment because you looked to the Lord. The title of my blogs is called RISK, cause I have been having troubles with that lately, I know that not everything around me is going to be comfortable and safe, but I need to step out of my safety zone to meet new people and take a step in getting to know those in my life a little deeper. I pray that I can take new RISKs, as I start a new semester of collge….I pray that I take RISKs that cause me to stay challenged and bring me closer to him as well as bring other to him.

God Bless

1 comment:

Mark said...


Thanks for checking out the blog, did you get a newsletter? I don't know if Pastor was going to forward them or not. If not send me an email

I will miss all of you in Ames. I hope the semester goes well, and that you can take some risks for the Lord Jesus.