Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In the Fog

Do you ever feel lost in the Fog. Hidden from things? How think is the fog really? This morning I drove to school in the thickest fog I have seen in a long while. For most of the drive I sat in silence. (not normal for me...singing is the only way to get to school) Back to the fog...the thickness really made me think about how think everything always feels to me in my life. That may sound ridiculous...but My life is so full of stuff that fogs my judgment on everything else. Since I moved I have tried to focus on finding a church, getting along with my peers at school settling down with my career. I am struggling on finding myself...I don't feel like myself...I'm all foggy. I don't want to say depressed, cause I'm not...a little nub, confused...sure. I know that the foggy drive I can make it through and with God's mighty hand the fog always clears. In the back of my mind I can't wait to go back home to see my family, my friends. I have none of those things where I'm at and people are either way to old or way to young and in grade school...there isn't much in-between. I have been contemplating going to the Y just to me be social (to me that is just sad) I don't really look forward to much at the end of the day, I just hope that I get better at leaving my school work at school and not letting my career take over my life. Any ideas for some low cost hobbies?

ps school blog

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