Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Baby John

Guess who took some steps!!! I can't wait to come to Iowa one week!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

5 Years of Remembering

5 years ago today my grandfather passed away. I sit here in my living room and it feels like it was yesterday…911 was called at 2:08pm they said my grandfather suffered from a heart attack. He was dead when the ambulance arrived. My grandma tried to save him. I remember being at work after a long day as a freshman in college. My parents were suppose to meet me in Clarinda for dinner something we hadn’t done since we were all so busy. We had planned it all week. I was outside on the playground with some 3 year olds when my boss Shirly came out and said I was to go to Corning as soon as I could. I knew right then something was wrong, but didn’t know what. So many things flashed in my mind. I ran and got my stuff and started driving. It is a 40min drive to Corning from work and the whole time I just kept trying to get a hold of my parents and anybody else I could. I finally got a hold of my sister as I hit hwy 34. By that time the tears were steaming down my cheeks. My sister didn’t know what was going on but would keep calling to find out. 5min later she called and told me the news. I had just reached corning and stopped at my other grandmother’s store to collect myself, because of so many tears and shaking so hard I couldn’t drive.
I had seen him the day before and he was fine, he looked so good. He had just got back from being in the hospital with some blood infection and pneumonia. I was going to be seeing him that evening before a game. ( I was coaching at the time) He had just come back from a little vacation with my grandma at the clay county fair in spencer. Since 9/11 he had been stressed and worried about things. I feel that my grandmothers thinks it may have been too much for his heart. I never thought his heart would go, I always thought it would be his lungs (one lung and didn’t quit smoking until about 6months before his death)
I remember rushing to hold my grandmother. His face looked like he hadn’t shaved in days. His skin was blue and purple tent. I couldn’t stay at the hospital. I left soon after and went to the church and cried for what felt like eternity on the altar.
I made it back before they took his body away. I touched his right hand and left the room so my great grandmother could spend a minute alone. She out lived both her children and her husband.
I had never cried so much.
I remember staying at my grandma’s that night, she slept in his bed and cried all night. I don’t remember going to class that next day or work. I went to SYAP at the high school I coached for and ended up in tears while Josh held me up and gave me a tight embrace.
My grandpa and I were really close, we were sooooo much alike. We are very rational thinkers, most often like to eat the same food…like bacon. He stood me and listened to me. I saw him almost every day. When I was born they moved to Colorado to live with us and then came back to Iowa with us. I miss him and it is hard to know that he never got to meet his great grandson or to see any of his grandchildren get married.
Here is the end of my little saga of remembrance.
“ To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O Lord.” Psalm 25: 1,2

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Gas Prices

Can you believe the gas prices? Honestly I didn’t think I would see the price go under $2.50 in my life time again. $2.09 I remember when I was 14 and just started driving gas was $0.98 then I remember when it got over $1.50 wow what a leap…then it hit $3.00.
Grades are due by Wednesday… the pressure of perfection and not procrastinating. All through college I worked well under pressure paper after paper. I think I can do the same here…even though I haven’t been procrastinating anything.

I went shopping today, got a nice bottle of wine to start of the next episode of nip/tuck!

Oooo and Today was the ISU vs. Iowa game. Sad day L I can’t wait to come up and go tailgating for the ISU vs. Nebraska game! Dancing in Ames will be a nice treat too!
Hoping by October my little nephew will be walking???
This is just random thoughts!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In the Fog

Do you ever feel lost in the Fog. Hidden from things? How think is the fog really? This morning I drove to school in the thickest fog I have seen in a long while. For most of the drive I sat in silence. (not normal for me...singing is the only way to get to school) Back to the fog...the thickness really made me think about how think everything always feels to me in my life. That may sound ridiculous...but My life is so full of stuff that fogs my judgment on everything else. Since I moved I have tried to focus on finding a church, getting along with my peers at school settling down with my career. I am struggling on finding myself...I don't feel like myself...I'm all foggy. I don't want to say depressed, cause I'm not...a little nub, confused...sure. I know that the foggy drive I can make it through and with God's mighty hand the fog always clears. In the back of my mind I can't wait to go back home to see my family, my friends. I have none of those things where I'm at and people are either way to old or way to young and in grade school...there isn't much in-between. I have been contemplating going to the Y just to me be social (to me that is just sad) I don't really look forward to much at the end of the day, I just hope that I get better at leaving my school work at school and not letting my career take over my life. Any ideas for some low cost hobbies?

ps school blog

Monday, September 11, 2006

How or What do you remember?

Monday, September 11, 2006

We started reading about volcanoes today in reading. There seems to be tons of questions on the topic. English we are focusing on nouns. Today team one (the left side of the room) won by a land slide with a game of Name that Noun. We had buzzers and everything. The math test didn’t go as well as planned. It appeared people are forgetting all of the divisibility rules: 2 goes into the product if it is an even number, 5 goes into the product if the number ends with a zero or 5, 10 goes into it if the number ends with a zero, and 3 goes into the product if the sum of the digits is divisible without a remainder. Ex 123 is divisible by 3 because 1+2+3=6 and 3 goes into 6 evenly. The rule is the same for 9 except the sum of the digits must be divisible by 9. The last rule we learned is that 6 is a factor if the number is divisible by 2 and 3. We got brand new journals the other day. We write normally for 3-4 mins. Without stopping everyday before lunch. Today we talked about the students feelings of remembering 9-11. “Where were you when the airplanes hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?” Most replied in kindergarten or preschool learning. They said they remembered seeing it on the TV a little bit and heard it on the radio. “How has this event effected your life?” It hasn’t? “What about those you know in the Armed Forces?” Response was Oh Yeah! “ What has changed in our country since that day?” 1 replied airport security has gone up….there was nothing else said. They were asked to go home and ask this question to their parents….and how did their parents feel, where were they when 9-11 happened? If not that situation have them think back to when JFK was assassinated. Teacher: I wasn’t alive when JFK was assassinated, but 9-11 I remember clearly. I remember I was a freshman in college leaving my parents house and commuting to school. I was driving when information came over the radio and no one was clear as to what was going on. I felt shocked and scared. I knew we had been in red alert. I remember trying to call my dad. He is in the service and I couldn’t get a hold of him. I was crying all the way to school. I walked in to my first class with a solemn look on my face. No body new what was going on and we found a tv with cable and turned to CNN. All morning not a TV was off, nobody attended classes hoping to do work. I remember not going to work that day because I couldn’t get a hold of my dad. I have family friends 3blocks from where the crash took place, I have friends and acquaintances in D.C.. I feared for their lives. I remember the days after 9-11 with SYAP a students’ right movement of prayer outside my old high school and a moment of silence that following week. My grandfather entered into the hospital after being glued to the TV. The thought of my father having to go off to war was setting at the back of his mind and was ultimately stressing him to the point where his heart gave out. He died later following the tragedy of 9-11.Question of the day: Where were you when the 2 towers fell, when people gave up thier lives for those of the unknown, when the side of the Pentagon was hit? How did if feel? How will you remember?