Wednesday, February 01, 2006


My prayer tonight is that I find direction. I have been offered a job in Washington to watch three kids for a week, they would fly me out and everything. However it is my first week at Gilbert. I don't know what to do. I would love to go out and not have to pay for the entire trip...I would love to watch some kids and get a feel for a new area.

Also direction in life as a whole, my prayer is for where do I go from here...graduation is around the corner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our sermon today was based on Mark 1:29-39. Jesus's human nature needed time out, to reassess, to recoup, to pray to God. When he did Jesus was refreshed. That's what we need to do also. Take time out and reassess. People refuse to take time out. We think we can do anything and everything without help. Continue praying to guide you in your future. Take time out.