Monday, January 30, 2006

Down To Earth

I went back home this weekend for a baby-shower, which I threw in honor of my best friend Casey. It was great to have everybody back in the area. We started talking about our 5th year class reunion and how we aren’t really sure if we want to go because it is going to be a keg on the farm with a bunch of farmers that stuck around town. I personally think it won’t be that bad if those that actually left come back so we might know where everyone is at in life. I know that I want to be a mother, I hope someday soon, but I will wait for everything to fall into place in its own time.

I went to church on Sunday. We had a visiting pastor, which means I stayed awake for the sermon. He talked about all the ways we describe Jesus: All Powerful, Almighty, All knowing, Emmanuel, Savior, Redeemer, Gracious, Mighty…and on and on. How many times do you hear that Jesus is a down to earth guy? The pastor went on to tell a story about a man that fell in to a hole, broke both his legs, and couldn’t get out. There was also a venomous snake in the hole with him ready to attack at any time. A man walked by this man was a Hindu man that leaned over the hole and told that man that he need to envision the hole as not being there and he would be free and walked on. A Buddhist walked by and told the man in the hole that he needs to let go of all desires including the desire to be set free from the hole and he would be free. Then the man continued on his way. The next man to walk by was a Muslim. He looked down at the hole and told the guy to face the city of Mecca and pray five times a day then Allah will set him free from the whole and when he was to get out of the whole he was to walk the journey to the city and pay his prayer of thanksgivings to Allah. The man continued on his way. A man who claimed to be studying Confucianism stopped by and looked down the whole and told the man if he would have been logical and thought about each step he would not have fallen in the hole to begin with and felt no pity for the man and walked on his way. The next man to walk by was Jesus. Without saying a word he jumped down into the hole and lifted the man out of the hole into the sunlight. In the process the snake bit him and he died. Pastor told us that was how we describe the name Jesus. A Savior. A man who came down to earth just to dig us out of sins and to take away the death we should have had. Jesus is our down to earth man.

The last few weeks I have been struggling in life, no lie. I think about the direction my life is to lead me and while I thought I had everything figured out everything took a right turn and led me into a brick wall. While I’m still loving my student teaching experience I question my next step. I’m not sure where I want to teach, what I want to teach…do I want to stay in Iowa, do I want to do special education. I know that I don’t need to worry about these things but I don’t want to end up on my own all alone teaching at a school living in a small town ALONE. I fear that I’m going to end up that old lady on the corner with lots of cats. And I don’t even like cats… Sad picture I know, but I feel a little lost right now. I planning a going out on Friday, maybe that is what the doctor ordered a sober night of dinner and dancing!
Tonight my prayer is for my heart that it can mend from all its brokenness, that it won’t give up on what it is to find or what it has all ready found and is waiting for.

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