Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Cooties:::I repeat Cooties::::::

So I really thought I grew out of cooties…but maybe I still have them. You all know what cooties are right…the things we girls say boys have and the things 10 year old boys say 10 year old girls have……. Should it really go on as college students tho. Friends shouldn’t have cooties…they should just be friends…….grrrrrr even after a few glasses of Gallo wine I’m still not relaxed enough to sleep.
In the words of Brett and Steven I have a large case of the Fuckits….(do you really need a definition?) so I don’t really care right now…my goal is to make it through this week and next week then it is single girls night out in honor of Amber’s and my birthday that is steadily approaching.
Side note: HAPPY Birthday CASEY K!!!
Well I should head to bed so I can wake up and go to work, the rec, work, and then class and calls and church…sleep…what a day full.


oh as for the cooties::::::::WARNING::::: they might be contagious!


Kris said...

flipping through channels I came across BoyMeets World...you know you watch the old shows...don't deny it...lol
well this is a quote from them:::

"Loose one friend, Loose all friends, Loose yourself"

thought it fit with my life right now.

Kris said...

Loose is what i meant to write...it was funny at the time....
i know it should be lose...let me be...steven!!!lol