Thursday, November 17, 2005

I'm not Irish

Three hours straight… after day….(man am I pooped) I have been working for weeks (still feel like I’m not even close to being done…and it is due tomorrow) on a extensive unit plan on immigration in the United States in regards to what a fifth grade class would need to know and activities that will help them learn. I started to think about how much do I really know about my history…my family tree. Right now all I can tell you is that my mom’s mom’s family is from Norway…and so is my Dad’s mom’s family. And my mom’s dad’s family is from Germany and so is my Dad’s dad’s family….lol all of that writing looks funny!…. so I’m half Norwegian and half German see a connection with being a Lutheran!! Ha ha! I get so tired of people thinking that I’m Irish because of my red hair…news flash…I’m not! Other than that I’m not really sure as to why they moved here or even when they moved here….that is my goal for this coming thanksgiving weekend as I gather together with my family. I know my home community is supposedly founded my the French….but who really knows. Well I’m off to dream tomorrow is Friday my day will be spent working with a room full of kids that want to go outside…real bad and hours on end with my lesson plans! Then Friday night is a time for celebration… “Oh my stars” there is so much to do before the partying begins.

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