Yesterday I posed the question who is Jesus? The reason I ask is because I wanted to know what Jesus means to others. When it comes to religion, to my faith….it means nothing without Jesus. So He is an important figure in my life. I know that I have had this conversation with a few of you lately and we ran out of time to finish our own ramblings….so I thought I would post my own opinion on the matter. I have been questioning my path in life and if where I am going is the right one. I know in my heart that I don’t have to question who Jesus is. Jesus is a man there is not doubt in that. He cried, he walked, he crawled, he felt human emotions, he was born and he died. He however was sinless…something we are not. Jesus knew he was the light of the world. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 I have no doubt that other religions believe that Jesus lived, some believe that he was a prophet, a great teacher. I agree to some extent….but I feel that he was much more than that. How can some say they believe in God and believe that Jesus was alive and not realize the connection between the two? “I and the Father are one.” John 10:30. I think it is easier to think that we can save ourselves, that we are the human race and have choices that either get us to heaven or hell all on our own. I don’t feel that is true…..I think that God gave us his son (John 3:16) because he loves us….he gave us the choice to believe and except Him or to live an earthly life lost to our own sins. I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God. Who took on a fleshy body as a human to help guide us, to teach us, to love us….to help us understand that God paid the ultimate sacrifice…that Jesus was sent to do something we could never do, we are not capable of doing anything with such greatness as the son of God. Jesus is man and God. Jesus is a friend, the good Shepard, the Messiah, Emmanuel, the Savior.
God Bless,
Monday, May 02, 2005
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Kristy, you asked "how can someone believe in God and believe that Jesus was alive and not realize the connection between the two?" I can tell you my thoughts if that is any help, for I believe both of these things. I believe there is a connection in that both taught about the nature of good and evil. I do not, however, believe that Jesus was the Son of God. I do not have faith in the Bible as the sole word of God. I believe there are many holy books, none of which hold exclusive rights to the truth. Each claims to be the sole voice of God, but which are we to believe as mankind?
As a side question, How will you know when and if Jesus returns? Many people have claimed to be the messiah (think Waco, Texas and other cults), but those individuals have been torn down for their beliefs. How will we know the "rightful savior"?
P.S. Good luck on your final tomorrow!
Hey Steven...I hope you had fun writing the IEP..did you know it is national teacher’s day? (just a side note) In reply to your comment:
In scriptures it says that Revelation 3:3
"...I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you."
It is also written some place in scripture I can't remember off the top of my head....that many false prophets will come claiming to be Him and we will just know... I think if Christ was to walk among us we might not even notice...he was close to His disciples and yet they didn't always take note that He was the son of God until later when he ascended into heaven long after His resurrection even. I don’t think he is going to come among us and market him self like we might picture him doing this day in age. I can’t really say how we will know He has returned… we just need to rely on our faith. I would love if some of my other friends would comment on this matter…I’m at a lose of words right now Steven…(most of been the early morning final?)
God Bless,
I think it's important to note that if Jesus wasn't the Son of God, then he wasn't a good teacher. He said he was the Son of God many times and if he would have denied it he would not have been killed. Christ also didn't ever say anything about coming to earth again the way he did before. When he comes it will be unmistakable and that will be the end of this world. Kristy, you're so right to say that God did for us what we can't do for ourselves. Sin causes death, and dead people can't do much. If we are spiritualy dead how can do anything to be alive again. Lazarus needed God to ressurect him in the same way we do.
Perhaps you can clarify what you mean when you say that "if Jesus wasn't the son of God than he wasn't a great teacher." I would wholeheartedly disagree. There have been many teachers over the ages (Socrates comes to mind) that have died for their beliefs. I would love to hear more of your ideas
If a person teaches good things, is not the Son of God, and does not claim to be the Son of God, he is a good teacher. If a person teaches good things, is the Son of God, and does claim to be the Son of God, he is a good teacher. If a person claims to be the Son of God, and is not the Son of God, he is crazy and you shouldn't listen to him. He is not a good teacher. Dying for your beliefs isn't a bad thing. Dying for a lie is foolish. If Christ is not the Son of God he should not be considered a trustworthy teacher. When people claim divinity now we label them crazy and disregard everything they say. If Christ is not the Son of God then he died for a lie which is no good thing.
I agree with your logic, but I love to poke holes. Consider these possibilities:
1) Jesus himself did not actually claim to be the Son of God. Rather, those who wrote the Gospels placed him in this light to add credence to their movement.
2) (This one is quite far-fetched)What if Jesus had a mental illness such as schizophrenia that lead to claims of divinity? In this case, he would still be a good teacher and still claim to be the Son of God. John Nash in A Beautiful Mind is a similar example.
3) You state, "When people claim divinity now we label them crazy and disregard everything they say". I would agree. How then will we know when the real Christ returns? Is it possible that Christ was growing up in the Middle East or a Communist Country and was killed when he claimed divinity? (Again, a little out there)
I also admit that the Bible story is a true possibility and that I will not be able to get into heaven without faith in Jesus Christ. There's always that chance.
P.S. I look forward to bustin' a move on Saturday Kristy!
Your insight made me think of another issue. You state that "Dying for your beliefs isn't a bad thing. Dying for a lie is foolish." What about people who die for what they believe, but do not realize that what they believe is a lie? (Do not take this as a jab at Christianity! I was actually thinking of the soldiers in war when I thought of this question.)
i respect the faith you have. I hope you dont misinterpret my comments. I personally feel that the term "son of God" has been exploited. Jesus never claim he was the son of God. Anyway, just because he was born in miracle doesnt mean he was the son of God. What about Adam then..? Shouldnt he also be termed as the son of God.
God's miracles are there for a purpose. Jesus was born to guide us and spread truth. and truth shall be known when he is resurrected.
1-If people added divinity claims, then they tampered with history and we can't really be sure of anything Jesus said.
2-If Jesus had schizophrenia then his moral teachings could very well be based on that as well. That doesn't seem like a trustworthy source.
3-No, Jesus just said he would return again not by being born like he was before; 1Theselonians 4:16 - For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.
I think that Jesus must have known for sure whether or not he was God. If not, then it probably would have been illness like you said before.
Really it all comes down to the fact that I sin and deserve to go to hell. I know that. How could a perfect God let me into his midst. That'd be like throwing poop in your oatmeal (thats no where near a suffiecient analogy but it's what I thought of). However, Jesus came, fulfilling many prophesies from the Old Testament, took on my sin, died to take the punishment for my sin, but then rose again, conquering death and sin. Therefore, through God's grace I can be justified, so that I am made righteous by God, and can be with him. I can't cover my sin by doing good, no matter how much good I were to do, the sin would always be there. We then need God to help us since we are powerless to change ourselves, and that is what Christ did when he died on the cross.
I admire your faith, and I loved your analogy. Some would claim that the type of faith you profess is the easy way out...I would completely disagree. At times it means submitting yourself to a more powerful will that you cannot comprehend. As anyone of my friends might tell you, I'm not the kind of person who can do this very easily.
Thank you for an honest response to my comments as well. It seems very rare that I have the opportunity to meet with Christians who are willing to have an honest discussion of their faith without overt evangelism. I tend to believe what you mentioned in #1: People tamper with history and it is near impossible to know exactly what Jesus said. Oh how I wish I could read hebrew or Aramaic or whatever language the Bible was originally written in...
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