Thursday, May 05, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

Mother’s day is just around the corner….as a young women in my mid twenties, I often wonder to myself as to whether or not I’m going to make a good mother. Will I be able to provide for my children to help them grow in a loving environment, shelter them from evil things, provide for their daily needs? I often time wonder if the ideal parents often struggle…how am I going to do it……?
I look towards the future and ask myself someday if and when I become a mother… I going be a good one? I don’t know if anyone else ever questions what kind of parent they will be, but as I struggle with children at work I often wonder if I will have enough patience for my own children. These are just a few thoughts running through my head. Don’t forget to wish your own mother a happy mother’s day and thank her for being apart of you life and bringing you into this world. If you don’t have a mother…who do you consider to be a motherly figure in your life, a female role model?

God Bless you and your mom,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Her children arise up, and call her blessed." Proverbs 31:28

Blessed, in this context means the wife of noble Christian character who enjoys happy circumstances and from whom joy radiates to others, including her children.

Its easy to lose patience with children to whom are not your own. It is different with your own children -- you can't help but to love them. Even if they move home after college graduation and eat all of your food. :o)

Happy mothers day, to a future blessed mother.