Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Warning: Monthly Woman Vent (males may not want to read)

I don’t think you know pain until you are curled up at your desk and almost to the point of passing out, retaining so much water it feels like you could float like an oil tanker. Today was just one of those days….I wish I was a guy or I wish I could just stay home and not teach in front of 23 students when it was that time of the month…because it is really hard to look like you are enjoying what you are teaching when you want to just fall over on the floor or take a nap(passout) in the book corner.
I needed to vent: Sorry if you read it and you didn’t mean too.

Cramps SUCK and they won't go away no matter what meds. I take grrr

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to laugh, but what you just described sounds almost exactly what my co-teacher tells me at least once a week. Only difference is, she's old enough to be my mom and I REALLY don't want to hear it from her. Ugh, thinking about it makes me not want to laugh anymore.