Thursday, December 08, 2005


Well the week is almost to an end. Friday is almost upon us. 3 more inches of snow are suppose to be falling down today. One thing I don't like about Ames is they send out the city trucks with blades on them….but they don't always put them down on the roads. At this rate it will take 2 days before the roads get cleared and 3times the cities money to do it in. My kids all wanted a late start this morning….in the fear that the bus would crash on all that snow or just get stuck. If cy-ride runs so do the schools. To BAD.
Thought of the day? Don't really have any. Yesterday's conversation in class seems to be a good starter. One of my classmates says that her mom keeps telling her to find a nice guy while she is in school. She says in response to that is that they are all jerks in this area, married, or all ready taken. The only places to go are class, which leaves Steven (the married) and Kevin…(who is Kevin, don't need to say any more than that) The other social place for most is the bar. You can't really pick guys up at bars, heck now of days as a girl you might not even get a drink paid for. (unless it is your birthday!) We started in on our bar experiences with boys. I told her I have picked up some at the bars…I'm now good friends with those boys. I have had the random guy cry because I wouldn't dance with them….a line that are the rejected ones who attempt any ways, those guys who don't like to be pushed off, and the one guy who likes to ask if he can lick the side of my face. All in all just at ISU I have had a broad selection of men from the bar that are even worth talking to.
So check of no guys from class, check off no guys from bars….that leaves me with church, the gym, work, or the side walk. The church thing as good as idea at that is…has yet to work out very well….the gym is the place where I like to focus on me, at work there is one married guy and a guy who use to have a crush on me (so he says) that is dating someone now, and the side walk, maybe I should just fall down and make an ass of myself and see if some guy walks by to help me up. Heee Hee that will be my next plan, j/k My classmates and I descided to just give up looking and maybe one with literally just fall in our laps or that we will stop messing up the ones that a potentially already good for us that we are blind to at our young age.
I'm off to class…..last multicultural one EVER, and I have one more Merkly and counting!

DAYDream Sweet!

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