Sunday, November 27, 2005
Body of Christ
I’m going to leave you with this. We all have so much to give to one another so many abilities to share. Join together and form one body. Why would you want to be alone anyway. If you were a foot you would be nothing with out a leg to go on. If you were a mouth you would be nothing without a voice.
I was hoping that this weekend would give me time to reflect on my life.....I'm still as lost as ever
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Johns First Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Kristymas Eve
Hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Be thankful for life, love, and freedom.
God Bless
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Just Like Heaven
Side note:
Just got done watching Nip/Tuck wow, I’m all kinds of confused…who is the carver and did the carver get Kimber? Hmmmm drama better than my soap life I lead. Lol
Well I’m off to change my clothes…my birthday treats for my class today was root beer floats…and mine got dumped all over me by one of my kids…it was an accident so I wasn’t too mad….lol 2 more days and I’ll be 23…whoa step back I’m (almost an old lady) I’m off to bed!
Dream Sweet~God Bless
ps movie was good if you get bored and nothing is on...go check it out!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Thank You!
Question of the day....
I just got off msn with a friend and we were talking about what you look for in the opposite you look for the trophy boyfriend or girlfriend...or do you look for a perfect wife or a husband?
As I get older I think more and more about it....I know that times have changed but by the time my mother was my age she had me and my cousin ashley who is younger than me is married and is now going on her second just makes me really open my eyes. In the dating world (which I hate) I want to look long term...not to scare men away but to get to a heart of relationships...which just for the record takes more than 2 weeks.....(i'm not bitter...ha ha ha) really looks like I'm going way to deep into my own life. I had some free time tonight and looked back at a few of my previous blogs....January 8th..and some of the earlier ones are much better.
So yesterday I watched Bewitched...i use to watch that as a little girl when i spent the night at my grandma's you know the old one in black and white.....oh the memories! I use to take over the king size bed by myself and lay around and watch cable...we didn't have cable at my house...i think we only got like 4 or 5 channels. My point to this is I watched the new one and it dealt a lot with relationships...and how you can't really manipulate love that it just has to be is a get....I guess to know that and I'm not very excepting of the fact that I can't make people love me....I can't make people like me......what can I do?
I'm ranting...i'll stop and go to bed now.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
I'm not Irish
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Is this Dandruff in my hair?
In case I don't have time to write later..... Friday night 6pm FISH: Friday International Student Hospitality: dinner that will be an American Thanksgiving at Memorial
Then early birthday celebration starting out early on at an Irish Pub working our way down to Club dance it up (coined phrase by Steven H) to do the "jiggly butt dance"....not really what I do =-) oh and see how much of a soap opera we can write. Feel free to make an appearance!!
Monday, November 14, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Stand UP
Today’s sermon talked about this area a little too….in a way…cause it asked us why we are here? Also asked us why we were at church this morning…reasons being::: are you trying to set a good example for your family? Are you trying to develop this into a good habit? Did you come to meet a friend here? Are you here because you were brought up this way? Are you here to be forgiven? While we are asking about being here, then why are we anywhere on earth…if we await eternal life with God in heaven? Why shouldn’t we just die now an go to heaven? (side note…I talked about this earlier this week while walking with a friend after class…this discussion came and then here it is on a Sunday service…I just like to sit back and go wow)….So why did I go to church this morning….? Well my mom gets really mad when I go home and don’t go to church with her….my reason behind this is that I don’t like our congregation. I go to church to help strengthen my faith…it is a time where I can take in the spirit and be around fellow Christians. When I go home and go to church most of the time we don’t have a pastor…or we had a pastor that couldn’t preach…our congregation is older and they are mainly there because it is a routine for them…they come they sit…they don’t realize that the church is there to strengthen their faith…it doesn’t matter what kind of building a church is ….it is the people that make up the church…and the people that break the church. When I was a sr. in high school I bounced around from church to church. I was at a point where my mother wasn’t telling me to go to church and I wanted to see where my place was. I was happy with my religion and my beliefs…but I needed something to help me continue to grow in it…people or a congregation to help me stay afloat. That is one of the reasons I’m at memorial…every time I go up for communion I hear my name…the Lord is forgiving me for my sin…and with pastor saying my name that is a great reminder it is personal to me…. I meet a lot of people each week…I met one this week who put down on her application that she was Lutheran, but when we stopped to say hello as a peer minister she didn’t seem to want to know about church…she didn’t even go to her one back home….it was really hard to get her excited about it…like I’m excited about it. There are so many people who force their children to go to church…then when the child is out of school they don’t want to go they are confused about what they believe….do I think it has to do with the church…you bet…they need to educate more…make a child understand and let them know how to grow in their faith….let them know that it is different than their parents faith…that their faith is just as important….help them understand why they are their to begin with…so when they get out on their own they find a place to call home with a congregation that is welcoming. So back to the question why are we here…? We are here according to Psalms 105 “Give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name; make known among the nations what He has done.” We are here to serve…Serve Him who has made us…Serve others….Serve so that others will come to know Him. How does this link to martyrs? Well we all have a purpose and some of us God chooses to take our lives for a reason…and others not..we came here to serve and serving means letting others know of the love of God. If those three men would have died it wasn’t because of anything that the king did….the men said they would understand that it was their time…that that was the way God wanted it…but it just so happened that God wanted them alive…they were not to become a martyr…they were to proclaim the word of God and serve others with their message.
Looking back at my blog I really bounced around….sorry if I lost ya at any time
God Bless
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Mine is Thanksgiving, why you may ask…I like the traditions…I like getting together having the same food, seeing my family….celebrating my birthday and all of my cousin’s birthdays! It is a great time because you can really focus on giving thanks and not…oooo Christmas and all the presents. :::which I will tell you I made out my wish list to my mom…one item was on it….I asked my mom for food…gift cards to Hy-Vee are great..come a month from now I will be unemployed and paying to teach…isn’t life funny that way:::: Thanksgiving is a great time to lay around after eating a bunch of turkey to think about the people in your life and how important they really are to you! Thanksgiving is about giving thanks to all of those who have stepped in and out of our lives for a reason…who have left those footprints on our hearts.
What is your favorite food at Thanksgiving?
Mine use to be my grandmother’s homemade noodles….they were the greatest…I could just have that on my plate with a dill pickle and be set as a child. I use to help her days before the dinner make, roll, cut, and mix all the noodles. Now I don’t get them anymore, but it use to be something you would have to wait until Christmas or Thanksgiving or Easter to have….they were the best…some day I will make them for my kids. I use her pie recipe…well the crust recipe when I make pies….and they must be
half way ok…cause my fruit pies were all gone after dinner tonight. 4 days of class until Thanksgiving Break…another reason to like thanksgiving…oh and I have always gone to the district youth gathering in DesMoines…since I was a weee little freshman in high school. The last three years I have been a Chaperon with a parent. This year it will be me and AT. Should be a good time! Oh and for those of you who haven’t heard the national one will not be in New Orleans…it will be in Florida again.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Cyclone Country
Friday, November 11, 2005
Work….kids were great! They hadn’t had school all day so while the day was long it was rather joyful! Then I worked out…tried to take a nap :::uneventful stuff I thought I would bore you with:::: Then it is all about the hayride! Beautiful night, clear skies that you could look up to for hours….this guy took a group of us out to the middle of this timber area where a fire was going nicely….all ready with fresh apple cider and smores…..Mmmmmm I was kind of sad tho. Last year when we went on it at Val’s we dove around and sang songs and that was so much fun….this year we sang like one song around the fire and that was it. I had some friends with me…the monkey guy is in place of Jason who could not be there and the other one was Brad the moose…and the pig was just there for entertainment! Hayrides are fun because you can cuddle up in a blanket…breathe in the cows…look at the stars and lay in a big pile of leaves if need be! They make you feel young again…hey I still wanna ride things like the fire truck..he he
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Part of devo tonight thought I would share the questions.
Please leave a comment...we all have different temptations but we really need to put on the full armor of God in order to fight off some of the hardest things thrown at us.
God Bless
Up coming events in my life that you should join in on if you have time and live in the area:
Hayride Friday 6pm at Memorial
Games afterwards
Game day 6pm kick off is Saturday
Sunday-2:30 ultimate frisbee on campus then free thanksgiving dinner ...bring your friends 6pm come early to get a seat!
Monday...i wake up an realize that i have a lot of assignments due and come back down with the case of the fuckits again.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Cooties:::I repeat Cooties::::::
In the words of Brett and Steven I have a large case of the Fuckits….(do you really need a definition?) so I don’t really care right now…my goal is to make it through this week and next week then it is single girls night out in honor of Amber’s and my birthday that is steadily approaching.
Side note: HAPPY Birthday CASEY K!!!
Well I should head to bed so I can wake up and go to work, the rec, work, and then class and calls and church…sleep…what a day full.
oh as for the cooties::::::::WARNING::::: they might be contagious!
Monday, November 07, 2005
as a sad note of the night it is 7:30 and i'm getting ready for bed it has been a long...but good day! work, class (out early), calls with Val, Thumbs...just a few drinks. Good Night
Sunday, November 06, 2005
(Down) Shannon, Ciara and Me...Good times have been spent with these girls out on the town!
Trent likes kids...look how happy he is! He really isn't going to break her...."repeat those words"...I'm not going to break her" don't be so scared of babies...they only bite a few times then they learn it doesn't taste good.
Me and Casey K...I love her lots....she has a new baby on the way...boy/ girls we do not know, but I will be waiting for that phone call!
Coffee? I don't even like coffee?
what did you think....a song about coffee....I didn't know Lutheran's were known for coffee I know lots of good Germans that are known for their beer....but coffee. thought I would share one of the most rediculous songs I've ever sang before..... I'm still laughing it up!
Dinner was good was much needed after play 8on 8 ultimate so made my day seeing that many people show up and people like Phil willing to take one for the tree...I mean Lots of bumps and blood this time around.....but it was a friendly game. Well i'm off if I get time later I will write about the saints....Bless All the Saints (meaning you and me) on this all Saints day!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Casey's Daughter Jillian (Almost 4)
She didn't really like the orange light on my camera!
We were dancing in the waiting area! (right Jillian, Grace, Me, and Regina) Here we all are one big happy family!
Left: Chris, Melissa, Casey+baby in tummy, Dusty, Grace, Leah, Ciara, Jillian, Trent, Kristy, Regina, Chris, and Shannon
Here are the girls..Left:Casey (Jillian is hidding), Melissa, Shannon, Ciara, Me, Regina, and Leah....all kinds of crazy fun. We have been friends for a long time. Leah use to live across the road from me as a child, we faught over Barbies...Shannan, Ciara, and I use to dance together...Melissa and I have been friends since like the 3rd grade....Regina is Leahs' cousin we have been friends since like 6th grade.....Casey I can remember meeting in the first grade....she is the best of best friends....she is like my sister. Here we all are tho...friends to the end. We can not talk forever and then get together and it is like no time has passed in our lives. We are all at different places in our lives, but there we are....having fun!
More Pictures to Come!
Friday, November 04, 2005
I’m looking forward to tomorrow. I’m heading to Cheddar’s in DesMoines….I use to go there all the time when I worked on base at Camp Dodge. Great restaurant! All of my high school girl friends are getting together for one last hurrah before Regina moves out of state. It is so weird to think that we have been out of school for 5 years now and all six of us are still close. A dozen of us and 2 kids should in tale for a good time had by all. We are all going to hang out at the restaurant for a few hours min. lol we always do even if it is something as simple as pizza or cheese bread with white sauce at Breadueax back in our hometown. We are going to get in some great photographs while we are still young too.
The rest of my weekend involves babysitting and church…ultimate Frisbee and a good Lutheran potluck! In between all of that some curriculum units must get done.
I heard today there is only like 50days until Christmas. Don’t get me wrong…I think we should think about the Christmas season all year long because of the birth of Jesus….but that isn’t what they are counting down to…more like 50days to shop for your friends and family as the holiday season approaches. I really hated it when I went to go get fall decorations before October even started and Christmas stuff was already filling the shelves and Thanksgiving items were on sale. We skipped Halloween and Thanksgiving….what is the marketing plan for this?
So this blog is kind of blah…a day in the life of me…. ;-)
Upcoming events…..Hayride next Friday, maybe a little game night…hmmmm if anyone is up for that 6pm Friday November 11 $4.00 We are having smores too and singing songs I’m sure! Then Colorado vs. ISU home game! Tailgating is a must! Up next would be the best Thanksgiving dinner of all time….150 people or so gathering family style for a great meal! This reminds me I better start making pies now. All are invited to this too just let me know if you want more info. I think that is all that is going on except for Thumbs on Monday’s (I’m in 12th now with 20points….I have a long way to go knowing I’m no where close to the top…I’m like a third of the champs….lol) I get to go on tour of Farm house for class next week….how exciting….! You should see the excitement on my face right now! Lol you aren’t missing much.
Well I’m sure I have bored you enough have a wonderful weekend!
God Bless.
pics to be posted at a later time!
please forgive typos
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Can you describe God like a police officer or Santa Clause…..there were two more, but I can’t remember….we talked about a physical form that was similar to how we see God…like a teacher, mother, doctor. Can you think of characteristics that you look for in a person that are Christ like….a teacher…a healer….a comforter…a sculptor. When we were all sitting there songs kept popping into my head things like “What if God where one of us….” We talked about all of the characteristic that we give to God that are human…knowing that he is God and we can’t even begin to describe God except that he is all powerful, all knowing…and on and on….he is God. We put God in a box and label it for sale…We need to take God out of this image of man and understand we can’t even begin to fathom what God is.
The next question asked what would you say to God if you were face to face with him. And another song appeared in my head…( I like to go through life with music if you haven’t figured it out yet) “surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel, will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still, will stand in your glory or to my knees will I fall, will I sing alleluia will I be able to speak at all….I can only imagine.”
I don’t know what I would do if I came face to face with God in that type of image…cause God is with us daily so any questions I have would probably pass my mind.
Have you ever thought about these things?
Appreciation of the day: The temperature is so nice, little breeze….the ultimate fall day, I hope that you enjoyed it.
I sat down in the office today with a child who was getting angry at really small things….i don’t allow those things in my classroom, but I like children to be honest with me…so I listen to what they have to say…everything that this child had to say was way negative…he couldn’t find anything that was positive to make him smile….i shared with him:::: thought provoking…wait for it::::: look for something as small as a drop of a pin to help brighten your day, if you always look toward the negative side of things you are always going to be sad. Just the other day the Nintendo song made me smile…and the next day my aid mark had done everything on my list for the week…even cleaned the windows of all the Halloween paintings. It was such a small positive…but it really made my day…it even deserved a call on the cell to say thanks. Do you look for the negative all the time, most of the time, some of the time, hardly ever, or never….? As teachers we are told to look for the positives in a child’s behavior and help reinforce that behavior…in order to do that I think we need to serve one another with our smiles and positive words. That is my blah speech for the day…thanks for reading…lol not so insightful…but it is something to post.
Quote of the day: I had one from Ann…but for some odd reason I don’t remember what it is…..something from reading class this morning…had to be funny…but what was it….grrrrr oh well it will come to me at like 3 in the morning…that is the time I tend to wake up to my neighbors letting of pop bottle rockets and a whole lot of fireworks.
May God Bless your wonderful fall day,
Sorry for the typos…please forgive
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Boxers or Briefs
So sometimes I think really random thoughts throughout the day and I just thought I would share my randomness for the day….I told Jimmy I was posting this so I hope you are reading it….lol
So why do people have a preference over what kind of underwear they wear or not wear in some cases. What makes a guy choose boxers over whity tighties? Or silk over cotton? Why do girls wear thongs and you don’t hear of many guys wearing them? Do you go for comfort, style, feel, or fashion? Hmmmm how is this for randomness?
Personally wearing them is important to me, I would feel a little odd going without….thongs…not comfortable but I will admit to owning them. Boxers not my things however I do like women’s briefs….Other than that I'm not telling you what kind I wear....I already gave you To Much Info huh…please feel free to share your thoughts
I told you I was random…and I’m trying to relieve some stress by thinking of nothingness…cause working out at the rec and long walks aren’t cutting out all my thoughts at my sadden state of mind.
Hope all of you are having a great day, I’m off to worship God and sing some great songs. 9:15 if anyone is interested at Memorial!
Quote of Day:
“I like middle schoolers, but the second they hit 9th grade they should all be put in a closet.” ~Social Studies Methods….Dr. F. lol kind of one of those you had to hear from her mouth…but still funny.
God Bless
Steven had this posted on his blog so I thought while I have the time what the here is my life....according to this quiz.
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | 7.7 |
Mind: | 7.1 |
Body: | 8 |
Spirit: | 9.2 |
Friends/Family: | 5.9 |
Love: | 4.3 |
Finance: | 7.7 |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
Life: Your life rating is a score of the sum total of your life, and accounts for how satisfied, successful, balanced, capable, valuable, and happy you are. The quiz attempts to put a number on the summation of all of these things, based on your answers. Your life score is reasonably high. This means that you are on a good path. Continue doing what is working and set about to improve in areas which continue to lag. Do this starting today and you will begin to reap the benefits immediately. (Read more on improving your life) Mind: Your mind rating is a score of your mind's clarity, ability, and health. Higher scores indicate an advancement in knowledge, clear and capable thinking, high mental health, and pure thought free of interference. Your mind score is within a healthy zone. This means you have achieved a level of mental balance and harmony consistent with living a healthy, happy life. Continue doing what works, and keep your focus. In our fast-paced world, mental clutter is all too common. Be vigilant in maintaining healthy mental function.Body: Your body rating measures your body's health, fitness, and general wellness. A healthy body contributes to a happy life, however many of us are lacking in this area. You have a rather good body score, which is an indication that you take care of yourself. There is room for improvement, however. Please keep doing what works. Eat right, exercise, reduce your stress, treat any illness. Doing these things will help ensure your body will be in good working order for a long time to come.Spirit: Your spirit rating seeks to capture in a number that elusive quality which is found in your faith, your attitude, and your philosophy on life. A higher score indicates a greater sense of inner peace and balance. Your spirit score is dramatic. Continue on your path, do not stray. Continue to reap the rewards which your spirituality brings forth.Friends/Family: Your friends and family rating measures your relationships with those around you, and is based on how large, healthy, and dependable your social network is. Your friends and family score is not bad but can be improved. Maintain your current social net, while you try to expand it. Try new things and form new friendships. You will be rewarded greatly.Love: Your love rating is a measure of your current romantic situation. Sharing your heart with another person is one of life's most glorious, terrifying, rewarding experiences. You have a rather low love score. While some are lucky, for most of us love doesn't fall in our laps. You must actively work on improving this area. Do not despair, there is someone out there for you.Finance: Your finance rating is a score that rates your current financial health and stability. You have a rather good financial score, which is not all that common these days. Keep doing what works. Avoid common pitfalls and save for the future. You will be glad you did.
blah blah blah....who nows if this even fits me -oh well
QUOTES from yesterday
"It was smashing"~Dr. Merkley
"This class blows chunks"~Naomi repeating "Bill and Ted"
God Bless